Learning Goals & General Work Plan- 30 Museums 30 Days – George Boulukos

 Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan Post

Ideally, I will do this project between April 6 – May 6 visiting two Museums on the Weekends but  during any writing or art during the week. From mid-May, until til June that time will be spent working on the write ups for each Museums and also working on 10-15 distinct art pieces inspired by Art seen in the 30 days

9:30- 10:30 Depending on the Museum, I would spend the morning traveling there

(Average time to get to each Museum is 45 minutes from my house)

10:30-2:00 Photographing, Sketching, and Writing for the project in the Museum and right after while it is fresh in my mind( Lunch included in this time) 
2:00-3:00 Going home and brainstorming writing possibilities and Art projects, Documenting 
3:00- 5:00 Updating my blog from the day and Writing and creating art


Key Learning Goals 

Expanding my knowledge of art. This will happen naturally after spending a month looking at and writing about art and is essential to my project. I am using Museums as an educational tool to learn about the wide range of periods, perspectives, styles, and techniques to understand what makes art meaningful and memorable. 

Utilize Multimedia Strategies. This project will exist on a blog that it updated daily. Using my photo/video skills I am going to create a workflow of a standard daily blog. Each Day will have essential elements that bring the blog together. First is pictures, possibly videos of the exterior and interior of the museum. Along with that is an explanation of the museum, a brief history and an explanation of its importance to the art world. After that, the writing will shift to an analytical opinion of the art I saw and the overall experience of the museum. Blogs and digital publications usually have multiple people filling these rolls, a writer, a photographer, an editor, a web designer,  but I am going to be filling all those roles in order to learn about the nuances of digital Journalism and how to be an independent writer/journalist. 

Understanding my taste in art. This project is also about finding what I like, genres, time periods, even down to colors. I created this project with the intention of having the freedom to explore art and understand myself as an artist. So often in the art world we are told what is good and what isn’t good but I chose a wide range of museums to decide for myself.


Documentation Plan

The blog, created and designed using skills I learned in the Website Development course at LREI. I will look at popular UX designs and templates with the intention of creating my own unique look for the blog. It is likely that there will not be an in person Senior Project night so the blog will be a permanent place where my project can exist. Each Museum will have their own page consisting of pictures taken by me and a journal entry about the visit, depending on the institution, I am hoping to have at least 400 words per day. The Blog will have an interactive component, I want this project to inspire people to go to the museum or even appreciate art to a great extent. Each museum will have four distinct components on the blog: a journal entry with an op-ed style commenting on the art seen that day and adding needed anecdotes about the institution’s niche. Documentation of this project is essential because it focusses on the experience and also gives insight into my experience throughout the month. The blog will eventually house all of my senior project writing, photography, and art. It will serve as something that a viewer could keep up with daily, as it is happening. 


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