Max Abrahams – Senior Project Pitch

Food is a critical touchstone of Jewish culture – linking families, friends and cultures across continents and generations.

For my senior project, I will conduct an in-depth examination of some of the most popular recipes, through first-person interviews and cooking experiences with relatives, community members and culinary experts.

My goal will be to create a Jewish History Cookbook that presents and records treasured recipes of those I meet with and that helps tell the story of where these dishes came from, what they mean and, if possible, what they can tell us about Jewish and American social, cultural and economic history.

The inspirations for this project are my love of cooking and my interest in unique aspects of history. It was also inspired by special meals with my grandfather and time with my grandmother learning how to, what she calls, “shtetl cook.”

I think this project will be an interesting learning experience because looking at various aspects of history through food provides a unique vantage point, particularly on my own family’s experience. I also look forward to the opportunity to explore my love of cooking, to diversify my palate and culinary knowledge, and to understand parts of my own history more completely.

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