Gwen Raffo – Action Items

Action Item Area: Reach out to Girl Scouts about copyrighted material

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: Hopefully

shouldn’t take too long, but it really depends on how fast the responses are. I have to email or with a filled out request form.

Reason for Item: Girl Scouts is really strict about the use of their logo, and even pictures of badges (crucial to my documentation). I have to ensure that I can use these items before I make my blog. I want to do this early on so I don’t have to worry about it later.


Action Item Area: Connect with and interview older Girl Scouts

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: Use the resources I have, programs I have participated in, and even my own troop to find high school Girl Scouts. 

Reason for Item: I want to learn about what other girls’ opinions are about how the organization caters or doens’t cater to their age group. Through this, I can decide what I want to focus on for my project, whether it be strictly badge guides, or live events, etc.


Action Item Area: Make a comprehensive guide to the badges I want to make guides for

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: This might take a while, considering there are so many badges. I want to get a binder together with print outs of each badge and it’s steps, this way I can start going through and writing down initial activity ideas. Even though it might be time consuming, it won’t take that many resources because all of the information about the badges is free online.

Reason for Item: ^ answered above


Action Item Area: Reaching out to organizations/individuals with expertise in the topics I am making guides about

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: This will be an ongoing part of my project. As I make more guides, I will come across new topics I don’t know a lot about. I might need help from experts to teach me, or possibly be a guest speaker in a live event. This will require a lot of outreach and the ability to stay in contact for a while.

Reason for Item: I’m not an expert in everything, and Girl Scout events are always really informative if there is a guest speaker.


Action Item Area: Make my blog + social media

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: I can either make it under the school’s domain, or outside, and I think outside would be better in this situation. I have some experience making blogs, so it shouldn’t take too long.

Reason for Item: The blog will be a space for older Girl Scouts to find resources for any badges they want to earn. I’m also looking into making a message board type thing where people can talk about the badges they are working on so they can feel connected. The social media accounts will also help me reach girls easily, and keep people updated in a quicker format. 


Action Item Area: Making the actual badge guides

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: This will be the bulk of my project. This will be largely individual, but I may want to reach out to troop leaders to see how they come up with activity ideas. I will have to take my ideas binder and flush out all the activities and write them on documents, and make them look nice.

Reason for Item: Providing resources for older girls is the main idea of my project.


Action Item Area: Host live events

Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: This may or may not happen, depending on the responses from my older girls survey, or my total outreach, but this would also require a lot of outreach and planning. For this, I would also need a Zoom license that has webinar access, etc.

Reason for Item: I think hosting live events could be meaningful, not only because it gives more of a sense of community, but it also allows me to have guest speakers who can answer questions coming from girls.


This project has a lot of steps, a lot of moving pieces, and a lot of organization required. It will be a big challenge, but I’m up for it.

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