- Your project name
- Clare’s Hilarious Stand-up Routine
- Your essential question(s) and why it/they are important to you?
- How do you put together a successful standup routine? From my teachers, to friends, and to my family, I’ve always enjoyed making people laugh. I often spend my free time listening to famous comedians, whether it’s Dave Chappelle, Louis Ck, Amy Schumer, or Ellen Degeneres. I also enjoy watching funny shows like Family Guy.
- The challenge(s) (Personal, Academic, Creative, or Professional) that your project will address
- This project will be a creative challenge for me. I want to learn how to be a funny comedian. I plan on learning the patterns behind successful stand-up routines.
- Your plan for the experience that will address this challenge (ideally, this should also reference any steps you’ve taken to address feasibility issues)
- I plan on writing a stand-up routine for my senior project and performing it on Senior Project night. I plan on actively listening to some comedy specials, writing the jokes they make and analyzing what makes them funny. I will keep this question in mind when I’m listening: what are the common patterns that the jokes in these specials share? I also plan on taking online comedy classes, such as masterclass. The online classes aren’t totally free, but all in all I am projecting the total to come to around $200.