Tristan Blazer- Senior Project

  1. Will someone with a better performance in certain tests perform better in fast-paced environments, specifically video games?
    What types tests can be performed to predict someone’s skill level in a video game?
    Can someone improve at specific video games by training certain skills?
    Can tests determine what video games someone will be best at?
  • Your project name: Stats and Skill
  • Your essential question(s) and why it/they are important to you: I have four primary essential questions for this senior project. Firstly: Will someone with a better performance in certain tests perform better in fast-paced environments, specifically video games? This is the main umbrella question of my project. There
  • The challenge(s) (Personal, Academic, Creative, or Professional) that your project will address
  • Your plan for the experience that will address this challenge (ideally, this should also reference any steps you’ve taken to address feasibility issues)

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