Isabella Marcellino – Initial Project Plan (Revised)

Thank you to Karyn Silverman, Jane Belton, and Jessica Prohías Gardiner for giving me feedback on my Working Draft Blog Post and for helping me revise my proposal pitch!


I would like to dedicate my Senior Project to becoming more versed in the experience of a working designer, and to understand the many different paths they can take in their career. I want to learn about the culture of these architecture firms and explore various fields of design. This can be accomplished through multiple options:


  • Interning for a New York City architecture or design firm.
  • Taking a free/affordable online architecture or design class, preferably surrounding the topic of sustainability and cultural ecology.
  • Interviewing working architects about their work, how the practice of architecture has evolved over the course of their career, and where architecture is headed in the future.
  • Working on my own independent project, potentially under the supervision of a working architect or designer. I would design or redesign a structure in New York City, research the neighborhood and surrounding environment, and learn how to factor sustainability into my building. Though I may certainly design a building that does not yet exist, it might be even more interesting to redesign a structure that I am familiar with, such as LREI High School or Lower/Middle School.


Though my preferred option is getting an internship, I expect that this likely will not happen. I am extremely excited about the idea of working on my own independent project under the mentorship of a professional architect. Jess has kindly provided me with a few contacts that I am hoping to reach out to in the near future, including interior designer Alyssa Prohías, and architects Chika Yamada and Morris Adjmi.


My main question as I move forward with this project is: how are current architects in New York City factoring sustainability and social justice into their work? I would like to solve this question no matter what direction I go in.


UPDATE: I signed up for a wonderful online introductory architecture course called ARCH X 467.17A: Design Communication I, at UCLA. The course is affordable and will run exactly throughout Trimester 3! It meets every Thursday live from 5:30PM-8:30PM EST. Though the class itself might not take up too much of my time, I would be dedicated to working vigilantly at my projects, given the excessive amount of free time I would have. For my final presentation, I would showcase the projects I worked on throughout the trimester, and highlight what I learned about drafting, planning, constructing, lettering, etc. Additionally, I have already begun making plans to meet with architects to discuss their experiences as both students and members of the workforce.

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