I originally imagined my project more like an internship where I could possibly “shadow” a chef in a restaurant. I wanted to see how they curate their menu and try to come to some conclusions based on seeing cuisine and food in real life. Now that an in person Senior Project is seeming less likely, I have come up with an alternative way to try and answer my questions. Firstly, I would like to come up with a list of questions and speak to people who are in the restaurant business or know anything about cuisine or food. I think talking to them would give me real life “answers” to some of the questions I have. They would also be giving me information about cuisine from the point of view of someone who does it for a living which would be helpful in answering my questions. I also probably need to narrow down my project idea at this point and pick some specific cuisine types because my question right now is a little broad. I am not sure yet which cuisines I would want to focus on specifically right now but I think by doing some preliminary research I could narrow it down. In addition to talking to adults in the larger LREI community I think I could conduct some of my own research by sampling food from authentic restaurants and then sampling from inauthentic restaurants. I think by learning information from the adults in the “cuisine world” and doing my own research I could reach a persorsonal definition to what authentic food means to me.
If you start with this question of “authenticity” in food I think the other pieces will fall more into line. In terms of cuisine, it will probably help to focus on one or two if you plan to cook, but the larger questions of who gets to make the call about authenticity, who gets to cook what, how geography and access to ingredients change a cuisine as it moves from its point of origin throughout the world will be best served by you doing as much research as you can, with as many information sources (chefs, restauranteurs, food critics, diners, food historians, all by interview or reading their writing/listening to foodies on food shows) as possible.
The research framework needs to be better outlined (I can help!) but you are very close to moving forward into the pitch phase.