working blog post 2

Essential question: I want to learn how data analysis works / how the correct graphs are made to predict what the economist is asking for. Beyond that, I also wonder what a career in that field looks like, how specialists in data analysis interact with or obtain clients, what kinds of jobs do they have? The tricky part is seeing how behavior is attached to these actions and how they can be manipulated via incentive. 

One thought on “working blog post 2

  1. The true EQ here is encoded in that last thought — “how they can be manipulated via incentive;” Understanding connections between data and behavior, rather than how to make a chart, is an exploration question, while the other questions are a more easily answered. Before you pitch, give some thought to ways you can explore these bigger questions; I suggest discussing with Tom (economics) and Pat (he’s been doing some interesting work with statistics). The other thing I’d like to see addressed is what happens if the Google portion of the plan doesn’t work out? (Apply now, even while you are making revisions and preparing to pitch.)

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