As my ideal project, I would love to pursue something music related. I would update my progress daily or weekly on a blog, it would be describing how my guitar playing has improved and my song writing. Through Master classes ( around song writing, music theory, and lyric writing and a guitar teacher (through zoom) I will learn a lot in the time we have. I will keep a journal, of the notes I take in class about music theory and song writing. I would also like to have an end product that I write, describing my song writing process, and within this description I want my music theory knowledge to be a part of it. My final product would be a polished song (maybe even more than one song.) Since I have always been passionate about music I would love to explore song writing because it is something that I have never really done. My dad could help me and maybe I could also speak with a music teacher at LREI about my process. And this project would also be very accessible during covid times.
Essential questions:
How can you tell a story through music, through lyrics and chords?
How can I share my own story and feelings through music?
How do people connect through music and specifically lyrics?
Will learning music theory help me write songs?
Will writing songs everyday help me become a better more efficient songwriter?
[Alternate plan]
Sustainability project around farming:
This project is more of a stretch and would have to be tweaked for it to work during Covid. But if I did this I would like to work with Kara around learning about sustainability and local/urban farms. And if it was accessible I would ideally want to go work on a farm or interview farmers that are from local farms in NY. The site Curbed NY has many urban farms that I could explore and see in person, that are scattered throughout NYC. I would also specifically like to look at rooftops gardens which I know friends/family that have these, and I could go and check them out. And I could learn from organizations such as Grow NYC and NOFA-NY(Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York) about the importance of sustainable farming and food production. Ultimately I want to find out:
how sustainable NYC really is
what they are doing to try and be better, and what they are not doing that they could be.