Olivia Cueto- Project Proposal

My essential question: What common thread runs through the United States defense strategies and policies?


  • What actually are these strategies? 
  • How many are there?
  • Are there pros and cons to each?
  • In what specific instances are the strategies used in?
  • Why do these strategies allow the US to 
  • How have the strategies changed since the 1980s? Are they similar or different?

I stepped into the beginning of my junior year with entirely no idea of what I pursue academically. Of course, I had liked my previous high school classes, only I never felt like any of them had caught my interest. Alike most people my age, I was stuck in trying to find something I truly had an enthusiasm for learning. I’d been nothing short of clueless of what path would take. During this, I had a stressful time trying to decide which courses to choose from. I’d always enjoyed history class, so I was open to anything. I decided to sign up for a class called The Cold War with Tom. 

So unexpectedly, I remember the feeling of perpetual fascination with what I was learning. I can’t explain how or why I became so captivated…It just happened. It came so easily to me. I practically had my hand raised the entire period. As I learned more and more about the Cold War, the core leaders, and civil defense. I had so many questions, so many ideas, I never had enough time to further explore my interests. It was the only class I’d ever noticed myself dreading the end of the 1-hour long class. Outside of class, I would find myself searching to answer the questions I had rushing through my mind. 

Our country is the most influential superpower in the world. Every other nation admires the United States and its constant growth/expansion. To learn the impact the DOD has in making some of our country’s biggest settlements, shows me the immense measure of knowledge that must go into strategizing protection plans/dispositions. I have nothing but respect and admiration for the officials executing those decisions, they are the ones who manage to keep America from lessening its superior ranking. What I became interested in was HOW exactly our country continues to remain so superlative over every other world power. It’s a question that lingered in my mind through my junior year, and presently as a senior. I am sure that only the government strategists can be able to answer. This large scale question led me to very easily deciding what I would be studying in college, diplomacy and world affairs.


To answer my essential question, I intend to examine 3 different types of sources – (4-5)documentaries, (4-5)books, and government published websites. Once I can accumulate a sufficient amount of information and feel solid about what data I have, I intend to move into the next part of my project, which would be using the collective information to prepare for a research paper. The paper would present the new information that I have accumulated on common defense strategies.

What are some examples/types of foreign affairs I can analyze?

I will study 3 focus monthly events during my research:

  1. WWII
  2. Vietnam War
  3. Afghanistan War

I chose these events specifically because they are spaced almost 20 years apart from one another, which means that studying the events, becoming a true strategist, will allow me to see how military tactics have either stayed similar over the years or used trial and error to correct their militaristic plans of action. Furthermore explain, how have they advanced over time?

What I became interested in was HOW exactly our country continues to remain so superlative over every other world power. It’s a question that lingered in my mind through my junior year, and presently as a senior. I am sure that only the government strategists can be able to answer. This large scale question led me to very easily deciding what I would be studying in college, diplomacy and world affairs.


One thought on “Olivia Cueto- Project Proposal

  1. Olivia, you have really refined your senior thesis, but it’s not reflected here. Don’t forget to add your changes that I just read in the google doc. This is a very complicated and interesting topic. Do you have any contacts that you could interview? Any book titles/authors?

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