Lindsay O’Brien – Initial Plan Draft

For my Senior Project, I want to focus on education.

Some Key Essential Questions that I have identified that are driving my inquiry are:

  • Why does proximity to other children play a large role in childhood development?
  • Why do elementary schools often focus on hands-on projects/how have teachers altered these activites due to the growing dependence on online school? 
  • How does the environment or structure of a classroom affect a child’s learning?


What you see yourself doing to address these questions:

The main way that I see myself addressing these questions is that I plan on working with an elementary school class (age could range from 4-6 years old). I have had some experience working with children in the past, and I would like to work with children from this type of role. I was hoping that I would be able to work with a class from LREI’s lower school, because this could significantly help with convenience. It would be nice to step into a “Teacher’s helper/assistant” type of role in the classroom, where I’m not teaching, but instead just helping around the classroom and forming bonds with the kids. If I am unable to do this because there is no room to make this happen, I figured I could get in touch with a tutoring program of sorts, although then I’d have to make some changes to the essential question that will be driving my inquiry.


The feasibility of what you see yourself doing:

I understand how this could not be possible, working in person at this current time isn’t something that we can rely on. However, due to the questions that I have posed, I feel like I can still achieve answers through online school. It may not be as effective, but it is better than not being able to have experience at all. Of course, if this is not possible, I can try instead to get in touch with a tutoring program, and edit my essential questions to fit my new situation.


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