Annabelle Hatsav – Working Blog Post #2

I want to learn about how to make healthier options when it comes to desserts and sweets, and also how I can help homeless people/people in need of food/happiness. I want to learn about more accessible ways to bake, whether that be with few steps within the process and/or limited ingredients. To address my essential questions I see myself making one new thing/baked good each day. A well as hopefully putting together my own little recipe book/book of tips for people in need of quick, cheap and easy baked goods. I want to help people in need financially, to make baking easier, and their lives easier. 

I can do research on easy recipes with less than five ingredients. I can also find stores that sell cheaper ingredients, and create recipes of my own that are less than 10 steps. I also want to somehow bring my baked goods to shelters in Manhattan, and hopefully volunteer with them as well.

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