Rosina – 5 minute purpose pitch

Your story: There used to be an old woman named Bernese who lived around my neighborhood. She was an incredibly talented artist and environmental activist. My mother and I used to visit her and though I was young, I remember being fascinated by the stories she told us. As a young adult I find that the perspectives from older people on various issues is often lost in todays obsession with social media. Learning from someone with that much experience is so powerful. She was an inspiration to me and I hope I can channel her ambition in my project.

My strengths: Purpose match described my strengths in compassion and perception, two ideals I feel are necessary to include in my project. I’m good at photography. Photographs tell stories and one good picture can influence many people. I believe my goal is to create a book with narratives surrounding environmental justice and reform. I want to include thoughtful pictures I’ve taken to stress the emergency of our climate/environmental situation. People don’t believe things without proof. I believe the combination of stories and art might help people recognize why their action is needed.

Purpose statement: “My purpose is to use my strengths in compassion, connection and perception to influence and inspire others to be proactive around environmental justice issues so that we can find hope in our future on this planet.”

I already explained my how but I hope whatever I create is inspiring and influential. Everyone is responsible for their role on this planet and I find it almost selfish that people don’t do more to support the environment that supports them. I’m not saying everyone has to be an active participant in all things environmental justice, but I think it’s important for people to recognize their impacts and ways they may be able to help.



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