Your Story: Choose a “critical incident” that set you on your path and helped you uncover how you want to make an impact (your contribution) through your senior project experience.
Ever since I was little, we would visit my uncle’s family farm in Chesterfield New Jersey. When I was younger I would stay at my Aunt and Uncles house on the weekends sometimes in the summer and I would help pick vegetables or pick corn. I loved getting my hands dirty and doing labor-intensive work because that is something that I can’t do in the city. Whether it was cutting down trees and pulling out stumps with a tractor, there is something about working with your hands that is satisfying. There was an emphasis on utilizing the land to the maximum and I learned about how different varieties of plants had pros and cons and that that had to be balanced with the using different amounts of pesticides and chemicals. It was a delicate balance and I’ve always wanted to learn about how that could make a farm more productive.
Describe how you uncovered this interest/curiosity/passion (what energizes you) and what you’re good at (your talent).
I uncovered this interest because all through the years, I always wanted to visit the farm and spending time with my relatives their was always so interesting and exciting. Because there is nothing even remotely like that in the city, I found that I was always wanting to get away from the city and go to the farm. I was always eager to learn how to do things the right way, and it felt good to know that you were helping the farm in a meaningful way.
State Your Purpose: Share your purpose statement; the integration of your reason and resources. Share Your How: How will you deliver that purpose to the world through your Senior Project? What will you do/make? Give a call to action: How do you want people to help you deliver your purpose?
“My purpose is to explore and compose thoughts on agriculture and technology so that people can get the nutrition they need and live in a sustainable world”
(purpose may be completly changed)
I hope to deliver my purpose by fulfilling it and learning as much as I can so that I am prepared to make a meaningful change in the world. I hope to get an internship so that I can work in an environment where I can get firsthand experience in this field. This could allow me to work on real world projects and learn from those who do this for a living. People can help me deliver my purpose by making suggestions and asking questions or even helping me re-think my purpose if they don’t think it fits right. I am totally open to suggestions and influences because I think that is the best way to grow.