Pearl-5 Minute Purpose Pitch

Your Reason/Story: My passion for environmental justice and specifically sustainable farming and food began at my middle schools farm. My eyes were opened at a very young age to the difference between how factories treat their animals versus how conscious/small/sustainable farms do. And I also found out that most of the food we consume and buy comes from the big bad farms that destroy the environment and torture animals. Through my senior project I want to focus on farming/food and how I can help expose factory farms and find ways to encourage more sustainable lifestyles for regular citizens so that factory farms are less relied on.

Your Resources and Strengths: I think I am good at researching and interviewing others. So I could interview farmers from factory farms and also from smaller/local farms and find the different point of views. I also have experience on a farm, so I can connect with the farmers stories and hopefully that would allow them to open up more. And I have a connection to a local farm that could help my project.

Your Result State Your Purpose: My purpose was to “connect with and help others so that people can find hope in these challenging times.”

I will work with others through interviews and hopefully through working together on a farm (or something online?) and help people have some hope by showing them other ways they can help the environment by being more sustainable. I think I would create some sort of a website or social media page so that my tip on how to live a more sustainable life and how to best support local farms are accessible to all. I would love this to be more of a collaboration with anyone who thinks they also are knowledgable on how to live more sustainably and they could add to this website/or page themselves.




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