Sofia Giglio-5 minute purpose pitch

In freshman year after figuring out how almost all my clothes were most likely made in sweatshops, I felt morally wrong and decided I wanted to change the clothes I was wearing. I researched more and figured out how fast fashion is not only ethically wrong but it is really unsustainable and creates mass amounts of waste and pollution. I want to learn and research sustainable fashion through an internship where I can learn how clothes are ethically made. My strengths are artistry, expression, innovation, learning, vision, compassion, generosity, and connection. My purpose it so help those learn and understand about environmental sustainability so that people will treat the world better and live a happier, more purposeful life. I will deliver my purpose through senior project by educating people on fast fashion and how their clothes are made as well as showing them the alternatives. I want people to help me by supporting me and letting me know if they have any connections.

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