Sadye- 5 Minute Purpose Pitch

It is no secret that I am extremely passionate about music and the music industry. My critical incident was when I was 15 working my favorite music festival under my internship at LiveNation, where I was told to go from show to show with my camera and note pad. I as I was in a small group of other passionate young adults I knew that I needed to follow through for my boss. After covering a t0tal of 14 shows our day was done and I left. At about 1am a girl who I was working with texted me and said that her photos somehow were erased and she had nothing to post. My heart sank as I knew that I would be freaking out if it was me, and I realized I can give her one of my shows and photos that I covered or let her show up with nothing. I contimplated just saying sorry and hanging up, however, I knew that that was not the right thing to do. I gave her one of the shows and pictures that was not my favorite and I knew right there and then that I made the right choice. This showed me that I am able to not panic but adapt to situations no matter what I am faced with. It was no secret that I was anoyed and thought about how I pushed myself through hot crowds, got hit by crazy dancers, and my sweat from running from set to set. However I do not regret giving up a show that I did not really love so that my peer could have something to show. Ultimaitly I would want someone to do the same for me. My father always defines integrity as “doing the right thing when no one is watching,” I am committed to bring this same attitude to senior project and showing up for myself and my group.




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