My Reason/story: Since the start of COVID I have been upstate on our family farm and I have been learning so much now that I’m able to live here full time. I have learned just how much work and energy and time we have to put into the farm for it to continually grow and operate. We had time to plant much more than we usually do so we signed up for the Rosendale Farmers Market and all summer we have been selling our products there on Sundays. Through that farmer’s market, I have been able to see and meet so many other small farmers in our local area, and notice how much work and energy, and time they have also been putting into growing and producing everything they sell. I always knew I love being around and caring for animals, but selling our eggs and produce has helped me learn about supply/demand and costs/profits and time management/ efficiency, and that never was something I had thought would interest me. My top strengths are generosity and strategy which I think can relate to how I want to approach my senior project. The top careers relating to my strengths are in the food and diet industry, as well as sustainability and conservation which all have to do with farming. People can help me by just supporting me as I continue to narrow in on what topics I’m interested in pursuing for my senior project.