Josh Sapira – 5-Minute Purpose Pitch

Your Story:

There are two things that are very important to me from a community aspect: creating a closer-knit community and helping to better the systems in place in society. I think these are both things that I can keep at the center of my senior project.

Ever since I was a little kid, I have loved sports. I’ve played soccer since I was 3 and baseball since 6. The Yankees and the Jets have also been a huge part of my life. In my experience, participating in sports or supporting sports teams is a great way to bring people together. Never have I seen the New York/New Jersey community so close-knit than after the Yankees won the 2009 World Series. The same goes for when the Jets beat Tom Brady and Peyton Manning in the same incredible playoff run. Sports are a great way to bring people together, and helping an organization to be successful can be a great way of helping a community grow together.

Taking Con Law and Elections class gave me a new understanding of the laws and systems that govern our society. More importantly, however, it gave me a better idea of how important these systems are to a functioning society. The possibility of doing something within these fields is also really exciting to me and I know it can make a big difference.

Your Strengths:

Sports and math have always been something I’ve been good at and interested in. I think my ability to problem solve has stemmed from my abilities in math and translated into an ability to debate effectively about law and other related political issues. Having only gotten involved with these topics recently, my ability to pick up information quickly and remember the information well is something that has been very helpful.

State Your Purpose:

My purpose is to continuously and actively learn new skills and topics so that I can always have ways of bettering the lives of the people around me.

In order to do this through my senior project, I have to main ideas. First, is to get an internship with the Yankee’s analytics department. It combines my interests in sports, math, and computer science, and also fits within the idea of bettering the community by providing a common interest: the Yankee’s success.

Secondly, I (possibly with a partner) would love to issue a writ of certiorari to the Supreme Court. Obviously, this is far-fetched but could potentially be scaled down into a reasonably doable project. This would combine my interest in law and politics with my desire to help people.

I don’t think I need anything in specific from anyone. I’d need to be able to find people and resources, but I think those responsibilities would fall on me.

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