My Reason:
I want to use this time gifted by the school to pursue one of my passions. This is a great opportunity to do something hands-on, hopefully, in the real world through an internship or volunteer. I am interested in studying law and criminal justice. I am not 100% sure what direction I want to pursue but any path I take will be informing and interesting.
My Story:
One class that opened my eyes was “Mass Incarceration” taught by Calvin. From a young age, I was interested in law but I haven’t explored or thought about that topic. Through his class, I understand the faults of the justice system in history and currently, and got a glimpse of reasons why some people were incarcerated (ex. poverty, school to prison pipeline, etc.). One of the impacts I want to make is to further educate myself on the topic -possibly through listening to people’s experiences- and then educating people about what I’ve learned.
Another critical moment was a course over the summer that I took about psychological profiling. In this class, I learned about what it takes to be a psychological profiler, what they do, important cases, and the methods they use. This class was important to me because it helped me narrow down what path in law I want to explore and that I might want to potentially pursue this as a career. I want to make an impact through internships or conducting research to educate myself more.
My Resources:
I don’t quite think I have any resources in terms of conducting my senior project but I may have access to online material and websites to do a preliminary research.
My strengths:
I discovered this issue by taking classes about law and criminal justice. My strengths from the purpose match are competitiveness, generosity, perseverance, and empowerment. Competitiveness will allow me to get things done and want to try to do the best I possibly can. My generosity will allow me to connect with others and make relationships. Thirdly, my perseverance will allow me to explore challenging topics no matter how hard they get. Finally, my empowerment will help me be able to share my senior project with others and maybe inspire them to learn more about the subject.
My Results:
My purpose statement is, “My purpose is to persistently fight so that justice is served to those who are wronged by harmful people,”. I want to deliver my purpose through a hands-on experience like an internship or volunteer. I am not sure what that will look like exactly and which route I want to go down. I think my next step is to have a conversation with my advisor or an adult about what this could possibly look like and the impact I could make on the community depending on which direction I go in.