Poetry: April 25

April 25: Up until now–now being now, this very moment of now–I had heard many times, but never paid attention to, the saying that “writing is re-writing.” Sure my first[…]

Foster Hudson CR #2

Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry?   I have learned that to write is to practice empathy. In writing, you assume[…]

CR 2

Going into the project my essential question has been Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the[…]

Writing a Screenplay #1

This is definitely more challenging than I had originally expected. I have restarted so many times already and I am finding it hard to have the courage to push on.[…]

Molly- Week 3 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week our cohort heard from another speaker during our meeting named Brooke Hurley, a ceramics teacher in Chicago. She talked[…]

Arlo – Update 4

4/24 Today we finally finished the setup for the forge area. We have finished the bricks, the structure, the post for the leg vise, the forge, and the anvil stumps.[…]

Ari Cer 1

My essential question is, How can I learn to tell a story that is successful and authentic through the median of film and photography? So far in answering my essential[…]

Ari Week 3

This week after focusing some much on the videography of my project I tried using photography as the other key component in visual storytelling. Not only is this an unprecedented[…]

Pierre’s Fifth Blog Post

For Wednesday and Thursday classes, I was given a practice challenge that would incorporate all of my prior learning. The prompt was this, “You work for an online bookstore that[…]

Skyler: Blog Post #5

Essential Question: What are the most effective methods of conflict resolution for young kids? I noticed yesterday that my parents will often give in to my siblings if they continue asking[…]

Sofia’s CR #2

My idea for my second critical reflection came to me while I was in my photography cohort meeting. In this meeting it was the first time that I shared my[…]

Poetry: April 22

  April 22: As of this moment, my typewriter has run out of ink. The superstitious part of me says that if I leave it be for a couple days, it[…]

blog post 6

At the beginning of book two something very cool is revealed about Trisolorus, mainly a secret weapon humans have against Trisolrus in 400 years when they arrive to exterminate us[…]

blog post 5

My book has way to much physics and astronomy information to talk about in blog posts, so I will chose the most interesting element of the book so far to[…]


An experience that reflects my essential question, is when in the book Ye Wenjie seeks out the red guards that killed her father. This moment is very reflective on my[…]

Blog Post #4

4/17/20 – Today we had class of 300 with the PR department at 300. They spoke about media training, how the industry has changed recently with social media, and the[…]

Blog Post #3

4/15/20 – Today we got another assignment, this time from the marketing department. The assignment asked for two ideas of creative ways to market Gunna’s upcoming album “Wunna”. This was[…]

Blog Post #2

4/10/20 – Following “Class of 300” with Kevin Liles, the companies CEO, he gave us a homework assignment to complete over the next few days. He wanted us to look[…]

Blog Post #1

4/8/20 – Today I got the chance to talk to Geoff Ogunlesi, who is A&R for Young Thug, Gunna, and the rest of Thug’s YSL label. I got to talk[…]

Oscar Chun CR #2

A particular moment in my senior project experience is after I had finished chapter three in my novel The Bad Roll. A was very proud of my work and what[…]

CR #2 – Bay

This week I read John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1689) for my online class. Locke’s entire theory of the State of Nature and the State of War were very[…]

Mawena- CR 2

When I was younger, I always wanted to have a secret language with my siblings that my parents couldn’t understand. I thought that it would be so cool to be[…]