April 25: Up until now–now being now, this very moment of now–I had heard many times, but never paid attention to, the saying that “writing is re-writing.” Sure my first[…]
Category: Cohorts
Car Scene: Learning to Use Layers
This is another example that I’ve been working on, showing my process. This scene was particularly time-consuming because I was working on getting the anatomy of the car right[…]
Blog Post #6: Film Part 5 – Tibeau Ferguson
Even more film! The Rockefeller University 909 3rd Avenue
Outfit Two – Picnic for Porcelina
This is the Instagram post for my second Pocelina look – Picnic or Porcelina. This look[…]
Blog Post #5: Film Part 4 – Tibeau Ferguson
More film Cadman Towers:
Blog Post #4: Film Part 3 – Tibeau Ferguson
More film from buildings North Town, Rosevelt Island: Fashion Institute of Technology: Leon Lowenstein Building Fordham University
Foster Hudson CR #2
Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry? I have learned that to write is to practice empathy. In writing, you assume[…]
Blog Post #3: Film Part 2 – Tibeau Ferguson
Some more photos of mine The New York Public Libray for the Performing Arts: Lincoln Plaza Towers: The Guggenheim Museum
Critical Reflection #2: Describe a moment and analyze – Tibeau Ferguson
My Dad and I were driving up to White Planes to take photos of some buildings there. We got there and we started taking photos of the Verizon building. We[…]
CR 2
Going into the project my essential question has been Does using hand tools and traditional woodworking methods to make a bass create a strong artistic connection between me and the[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week 3 Update 2
After my work this week I’m proud of the “research” I did. I was just glad to read more about my topic, rather than doing exercises. However, I want to[…]
Max Zinman: Week of 4/20 – Teaching Anxiety and End of Research
This week was a fantastic week for me, both in terms of my experience teaching and my laser research. In the 10th grade physics classes this week, we spent a[…]
Senior Project – Friday, April 24th by Kamara
Nate and I finished recording the third week of our podcast. This week we watched crime movies from varying countries. Of all the genres that we explored, to be honest,[…]
April 24: first song mix
Hellooo, so Gus and I have finally finished a first mix of a song, feel free to give it a listen. We’re planning on starting/working on new songs instead of[…]
April 24: 23rd continued
Above is a finished mix of a song (finally)! It’s most likely not the last mix we’ll do of it, but for now, it works and today we’re focusing on[…]
Writing a Screenplay #1
This is definitely more challenging than I had originally expected. I have restarted so many times already and I am finding it hard to have the courage to push on.[…]
Molly- Week 3 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week our cohort heard from another speaker during our meeting named Brooke Hurley, a ceramics teacher in Chicago. She talked[…]
Elisabeth Reflection 2/24
This week I made macarons. They don’t really look like macarons at all, and I realized after making them it might have been useful to have had a macaron before[…]
Sophie Kielian Blog Post #5
Since I completed a lot of interviews last week, this week of my project has been more focused around research and writing. This week, the type of exercise I focused[…]
Arlo – Update 4
4/24 Today we finally finished the setup for the forge area. We have finished the bricks, the structure, the post for the leg vise, the forge, and the anvil stumps.[…]
Peter Mamaev graphic novel update 4/24
4/24/2020 I got ink! Well, India ink to be exact, which I will use for backgrounds. While it is a material that I have experimented with in the past, it[…]
Street Sense, Entry 3 – Amouri Edwards
April 24, 2020 Today I got a burst of energy and creativity which was nice. It’s become a rarity to get such spurs of motivation but I’ll take them as[…]
Ari Cer 1
My essential question is, How can I learn to tell a story that is successful and authentic through the median of film and photography? So far in answering my essential[…]
Ari Week 3
This week after focusing some much on the videography of my project I tried using photography as the other key component in visual storytelling. Not only is this an unprecedented[…]
Jane Olsen Post #5 Wellness Exploration
Today as a part of my weekly theme of exercise, I watched youtube videos about runners (and non runners) processes to prepare for and eventually run marathons. I began watching[…]
Jaquie’s week 3 post
Going into my third week, I decided to look into specifics of what is happening to our country and the economic toll that this pandemic has taken on us. I[…]
Pierre’s Fifth Blog Post
For Wednesday and Thursday classes, I was given a practice challenge that would incorporate all of my prior learning. The prompt was this, “You work for an online bookstore that[…]
April 22: Finishing song 1
Hello, so Gus and I haven’t stopped working on this song yet and are really close to having a complete mix for you all. Once we finish this song we[…]
April 22: Finishing a Song (finally)
So Dominic and I are finally finishing up a song for you all to hear. We built this song from a demo I had on my computer – When we[…]
Skyler: Blog Post #5
Essential Question: What are the most effective methods of conflict resolution for young kids? I noticed yesterday that my parents will often give in to my siblings if they continue asking[…]
Onaje #5: “The Awakening of Chaos”
Today I finished the my first painting for this project, titled “The Awakening of Chaos”. On the technical side of things, I am pretty satisfied with this piece. I feel[…]
Critical Reflection #2 – Amouri Edwards
Through the entirety of this project, I have been improving my animation skills. The second half of my essential question, How can I further my animation skills through this form[…]
Sofia’s CR #2
My idea for my second critical reflection came to me while I was in my photography cohort meeting. In this meeting it was the first time that I shared my[…]
Sofia’s Blog Post #4
I am starting to think about how I am going to present the photos I took and my paintings, specifically visually. I worked a bit in photoshop to see how[…]
Poetry: April 22
April 22: As of this moment, my typewriter has run out of ink. The superstitious part of me says that if I leave it be for a couple days, it[…]
Michelle- Critical Reflection #2
April 21st EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? At the beginning of this week, I thought I’d challenge myself by putting together a puzzle I put together a[…]
blog post 6
At the beginning of book two something very cool is revealed about Trisolorus, mainly a secret weapon humans have against Trisolrus in 400 years when they arrive to exterminate us[…]
blog post 5
My book has way to much physics and astronomy information to talk about in blog posts, so I will chose the most interesting element of the book so far to[…]
An experience that reflects my essential question, is when in the book Ye Wenjie seeks out the red guards that killed her father. This moment is very reflective on my[…]
Blog Post #4
4/17/20 – Today we had class of 300 with the PR department at 300. They spoke about media training, how the industry has changed recently with social media, and the[…]
Blog Post #3
4/15/20 – Today we got another assignment, this time from the marketing department. The assignment asked for two ideas of creative ways to market Gunna’s upcoming album “Wunna”. This was[…]
Blog Post #2
4/10/20 – Following “Class of 300” with Kevin Liles, the companies CEO, he gave us a homework assignment to complete over the next few days. He wanted us to look[…]
Blog Post #1
4/8/20 – Today I got the chance to talk to Geoff Ogunlesi, who is A&R for Young Thug, Gunna, and the rest of Thug’s YSL label. I got to talk[…]
Critical Reflection #2 – Kamara Duruaku
One moment that relates back to my essential question was when Nate and I watched Martyrs and The Host. This relates back to the essential question because, with Martyrs, we[…]
Oscar Chun CR #2
A particular moment in my senior project experience is after I had finished chapter three in my novel The Bad Roll. A was very proud of my work and what[…]
Brianna Adu-Kyei —Critical Reflection #2
Brianna Adu-Kyei Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Senior Project Critical Reflection Senior Project Experience Critical Reflection #2:[…]
CR #2 – Bay
This week I read John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1689) for my online class. Locke’s entire theory of the State of Nature and the State of War were very[…]
CR2- Analyzing a Moment: Rigorous Basketball Training
Jacob McKinnon CR2: Describe a Moment and Analyze EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my[…]
Mawena- CR 2
When I was younger, I always wanted to have a secret language with my siblings that my parents couldn’t understand. I thought that it would be so cool to be[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week 3 Update 1
Heading into Week 3, I want to work on intaking news, media, and journalism. Reading, listening and writing will be my sole focus this week. I plan on just two[…]