As my Senior Project experience is winding down, I’m finding it harder and harder to write. The motivation has been ebbing away, and now there is virtually little to none[…]
Category: Cohorts
Carly’s Voice – A Book Review (Brianna Adu-Kyei)
This week is a little bit of coming back full circle! I picked this book for my initial SP, and I’m reading and reviewing it now. Thank you for listening.
Molly- Week 5 Post
How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, some members of the track team had a virtual “track meet” over Zoom. While I was initially skeptical about[…]
Layne – Week 5
I spent most of this week focused on my own project. At the end of week 4 I was feeling really stuck with my work so I went back to[…]
Jonathan Ziebarth Blog Post #11 – Think
So this will be brief. This week I finished my business plan, which combines the main business plan, the business model, some light financials and the competitor analysis. I’ve come[…]
Max Zinman: Blog Post, Week of 5/4
This week in senior project, I continued to work on my essay, learned about circuits in Sustainable Energy and led discussions on homework problems more in class. On the note[…]
Oscar Chun Focused Writing Week #5 May 4- May 10
Chapter 5 is now complete and I am onto chapter 6. Taking a different point of view from the main characters was interesting since I was able to learn more[…]
AnotherBlogPost! – Nate
May 10th: I have nothing new to say. The project, while very fun and relatively insightful, has been the same cycle of watching and talking every week, which makes it[…]
Blog Post #5
In this post I am deciding to share another recipe. I found it interesting that my cousin chose Pad Thai as his favorite meal. Yet, I wanted to explore his[…]
Ariella CR 4
Throughout all of the research I have done on the connections between food and cultures I have learned just how interconnected they are. I’ve learned how different spices and flavors[…]
Arlo – Updates 6
5/10 Today I finished a knife that I have been working on over the past few days. While working on it, I knew that I wanted to give it, so[…]
Blog post #7
We are coming to the final week of working on our senior projects and now the tech portion has become crucial. Of course, because my project is so complicated and[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 5 Post 2
I spent a lot of time this week watching and reading a lot of apple related content. There have been several repair videos I watched in preparation for my iPhone[…]
Michelle- Week Five Reflection
May 9th This week it feels like I have spent more time reading and watching videos than I have in the past few weeks. Though falling into an endless spiral[…]
Michelle Critical Reflection #4
May 6th EQ: How does the infant brain structure work? Throughout my research, I’ve encountered some texts and papers that have failed to answer my essential question, yet allowed me[…]
Comic Strip #6: “Koala Nap”
For this comic, I used the same techniques as my last one. I used layers on Photoshop to create the effect of absence or presence of light. I used[…]
Street Sense, Entry 5 – Amouri Edwards
May 9, 2020 I had my conversation with Niceo earlier this week. While it was insightful, I feel I didn’t gather as much from it as I did the other[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 5 Post 1
I decided to try taking apart an iPhone again, but this time I tried a somewhat more recent model. My sister had an iPhone SE that got damaged after falling[…]
Ian Reyes Critical Reflection 4
Essential Question: How can reverse engineering help me better understand the way certain electronics work? I read an article titled “What is Reverse Engineering and How Does it Work?”[…]
Foster Hudson CR #4
Essential Question: How can I express the last four years of my life through poetry? I’ve learned that it’s not a chronology. I think I went into this project[…]
Sophie K. Blog Post Week 5
This week of senior project, I focused my research on outdoor vs. indoor exercise. Throughout the rest of this project, I have been doing only indoor workouts, so it was[…]
Update #7: Sophie SF
This past week during my Senior Project, I had the opportunity to interview several Hunger Project investors and staff to learn about what keeps them engaged. I also wanted to[…]
Dakota Week 5 Update 1
This week I attempted to make steamed rice rolls (failed and trying again in a bit) and cooked with tofu for the first time. Cooking with tofu is kinda hard[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post #7: Character Conflict
I wasn’t able to come up with a solid conflict for my character until this week. I began the project with the assumption that both my character and Hanna’s character[…]
May 7-8 – FINALLY posting a second song here
Hi all, attached is a mix of our second song. I might go back and redo the vocals later, as I don’t LOVE them but we’ll see what time and[…]
Apr 29th: More work on Song 2
So Dominic and I have been working on our second song for a bit now. I’ve been experimenting with sounds a lot, so that’s why it’s been taking longer to[…]
may 7-8: song 2
Helloo, so Gus and I finally have a new song for you all. This one took us longer than the first song to finish since we were such perfectionists about[…]
Jaquie’s week 5
This past week I was tying off the loose ends to topics that I wanted to learn more about or didn’t know that much on. Due to Coronavirus being in[…]
learning how to edit my photos
This week I learned how I am going to be editing the photos of my outfits. This is just one of the outfits that will be presented in my final.[…]
sewing CR # 4
This week I learned an important lesson: sewing is hard. While listening to music, I had sewed red shorts into a crop top. It has taken many hours and I[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/7
5/7/2020 I must say, after a somewhat hectic and discouraging week last week, I think I’m getting to a better place. I am almost done with the pen section of[…]
Shelter in Place Pod: Week 5 Update 2
May 8th, 2020 I finished my interview with Tony Gervino and it went well, I think he was the first print newspaper journalist that I interviewed. His story was[…]
Creating Light Effects
Today I worked on making light effects because it is something that comes up a lot in this comic strip I’m working on now. In my first drawing, there[…]
Staying Motivated: Breaking My Routine
The end of week 4 to 5 was when I was starting to feel really unmotivated. I’ve never consistently worked on art for this long, so the combination of working[…]
Jane Olsen Post #7 Wellness Exploration
I just finished watching the Heal documentary on Netflix. I knew nothing about it before beginning, only that it showed up when I searched wellness and seemed interesting. The film[…]
CR 4
This week I faced a major setback in my work that I felt imperative to reflect upon. It began with an attempt to make iced tea. I boiled water for[…]
Week 5, post 1
This week came to me along with a number of lifestyle changes. As I mentioned as an aspiration is my previous blog post, I took to making memorable dishes. I[…]
CR 3
As my project has progressed there have been a number of small changes that I’ve had to assimilate to. While my goal was to cook using all local ingredients, this[…]
Week 4, post 1
My daily routines have begun to feel rather monotonous. It has become increasingly harder to find new things to do and ways to make my project interesting for me. This[…]
Layne – CR #4
Throughout this process a large portion of my project has been reading plays and journal articles. I believe the essay that I shared with Joan and Nellie on April 8th[…]
Ari Week 4
I have finished many smaller projects but have been putting off my larger documentary. I think it is because it’s been difficult to keep up with. I’ve been trying to[…]
Onaje #7: Distinguishing Masses of Value
After watching a video on composition and value, I decided to organize my next pandemic drawing into 5 value groups before rendering the elements of the scene. Doing so made[…]
Alex – Critical Reflection #4
The core of my project is looking at psychology and psychiatry; how they’re similar and different, and how they relate to adolescence. Finding an article that encompasses the main[…]
Sofia’s CR #4
May 5th, 2020 Sofia Sharp My essential question: What is the connection between photography and painting? I am about five paintings into senior project and have been photographing the entire[…]
Peter Mamaev senior project update 5/4
5/4/2020 It has been hell rewriting those pages. I have in fact ultimately redone them six times over, and now they are finally, miraculously, in a place where they hit[…]
Peter Mamaev critical reflection #4
One of my favorite things about this project is the opportunity it provides for growth in both artistic and writing directions. For writing, I have chosen Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, while[…]
Ari Cer 3
When originally making the video I had not known the meaning or message behind it. After the shoot, Reggi realized how he had portrayed himself in an inaccurate way and[…]
Critical Reflection #4 – Kamara Duruaku
Because Nate and I are doing a podcast, we had a wide variety of sources, most of them being youtube channels and podcasts. My primary source was youtube. I watched[…]
CR #4
This week, I made a lot of progress. Yesterday I spent 4 hours working on my project. I met with a friend of mines’ sibling who works with logic constantly.[…]