Ruthie Week 2: Blog #4

This week I started off strong and motivated. As the week progressed I found myself not making enough time for my Senior Project. Due to personal circumstances this week was[…]

4/19 – Bay

This week in my online class I learned about the theory of libertarianism, and specifically the libertarian doctrine of Robert Nozick in the 1970’s. I found that the aspects that[…]

Critical Reflection

My essential question is centered around providing fresh and healthy meals to my family during the quarantine. This became a very important topic in my life and was able to[…]

Week 2 post 2

This week I made a number of dishes including bread, stew, and chicken pot pie. One big difficulty I struggled with when making bread was that the weather was too[…]

Sophie R – Update #4

Another topic that stood out to me this week was the influence of privatization in the food industry and how it affects food sustainability. In most of the major industries,[…]

Week 2 post 1

As the week began I tried to expand both my cooking skills and foraging. One problem I’ve come across while foraging is the difficulty to properly identify a plant. Below[…]

Update #4: Sophie SF

This past week at my internship has been super interesting because I finally received my first major project. My task is to create a comprehensive and interactive google form that[…]

Sophie R – Update #3

Is it sustainable to eat meat? Does animal protein have a place in our future diets? (findings on the impacts of the way meat is produced/consumed – broken down into[…]

work days 7- 9

I am starting to get  close to the end of building this neck i used a saw rasp to get the neck to first the right thickness then to the[…]

Week two, Thursday

Today Shai and I visited all of the locations. There are seven in total. Again, I was struck by the community. Every location we visited, Shai knew everyone there and[…]

Week two, Tuesday

Today we had an order of 200 burgers, 150 side salads, and 150 salads. It struck me today that all of these containers are made of plastic. Additionally, I bagged[…]

Week One, Monday

Today I met with Shai. Shai is the manager of technology and human resources at Westville and has been bogged down with work recently. While some workplaces are experiencing less[…]

4/18 Reflection Elisabeth

Since Tuesday I’ve spent most of my time baking. I made pizza, pita, and baguettes. They turned out pretty well, except I rolled the baguettes too small so they’re kind[…]

Ariella – Blog post #4

The third recipe that I cooked so far in my project are my grandmothers bolitas de queso (cheese balls). My grandmother is a Holocaust survivor who escaped from Romania in[…]

APR 17: SONG 2

Hellooooo, so Gus and I thought it would be a good idea to let the first song sit for a couple days so that we don’t get sick of it[…]


Hello, so Gus and I have been continuing the song we started last week. We’ve been trying to flesh out complete verse, chorus and bridge sections. It’s probably about time[…]


There’s plenty I know about my senior project’s area of study. However, like everything I’m passionate about I can’t know everything and I certainly don’t claim to, so it’s a worthwhile exercise[…]

CR #1

Critical Reflection #1: What I Know vs What I Don’t Know (CR1)   My senior project is about making music. My essential question is how can I tell a compelling[…]

Week 1 part 2

I did my next cooking exploration as a breakfast meal. I gathered garlic mustard and used it as flavoring and spice for my healthy and proteinous breakfast dish. Below are[…]

Week 1, part 1

This week I started by cooking with ingredients from local farmers from the farmers market. One new food to me was lions mane mushrooms. Then I began my foraging. To[…]

Senior Project Proposal

FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  Anna Faulkner   You have already written versions of your responses to many of these questions in previous assignments for Senior Project; you may reuse prior writing[…]