Poetry: May 17

May 17: It’s strange to reflect. I can’t remember April very well. When I was compiling all the poems I had written for this project, some of them seemed to[…]

Mawena- Paralanguage

Language and culture are intertwined because when you learn a language, you have to learn customs and practices, in addition to learning the alphabet, words, and grammar. One thing that[…]

Blog post #8

After many hours of trying to figure out how I wanted to form my song, making each section a separate song or have them all be one, and I have[…]

Jaquie’s Week 6

Throughout my final week, I started to put everything together, organized everything into a final document, and started to put them into paragraphs along with some notes. Although my original[…]

Layne – Week 6

Nick Monologue Above is the monologue that is currently the beginning of the play/collection of scenes I have written. I started this week by compelling all the work I had[…]

Molly – Week 6 Post

How can communities stay engaged during a global pandemic? This week, I have been touching base with different communities and people about their experiences in their communities being engaged. I[…]

Nika’s Blog #8

This is my final weekly assignment. It was about internal communication. Internal communications is all about promoting effective communications among people within an organization. It involves producing and delivering messages[…]

Nika’s Blog #7

This week I learned about benefits and the importance of having benefits and rewards in business. One of the things that I was given to think and read about was[…]

Nika’s Blog #6

This week I worked on setting goals. Some of the things that I learned are that goals trigger behavior. Having a clear, compelling goal mobilizes your focus toward actionable behavior.[…]

Skyler: Blog post #7

This week, since I’m not with my siblings, I’ve been taking the Intro to Psychology lectures (which I’ve been taking throughout the course of the project). I’m finding that the[…]

Mawena- Pronunciation

In Twi, proper pronunciation of words is extremely important. Tones vary from word to word, and like many languages, the way that one says a word can have more meaning[…]

Week 6 Elisabeth

This week I made croissants. It was definitely one of the more stressful things I’ve made because I felt like there were many things that could go wrong very easily,[…]

Mawena- CR 5

Over the course of my senior project so far, I’ve learned quite a bit about myself. I’m more productive when I set aside a time to work everyday, and stick[…]

Nika’s CR #5

One of the things that I have learned through my senior project is the need for structure and outside motivation. At first I thought it would be great to have[…]

Alex – May 13th

I don’t know if I just had a breakthrough, if my project just fell apart, or if I’m way too hopped up on coffee. Either way, I have an idea. […]

Nika’s CR #4

I watched a Ted Talk by Dan Airely about behavioral economics. He starts off by saying that in the US, we spend between seven and eight hundred million dollars a[…]

Final Proposal

This was originally finalized on the first day of Senior Project:   FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  River Magee   You have already written versions of your responses to many of these[…]

Pierre’s CR #5

Essential Question: To what extent does the role of Excell play in businesses and how much more efficient does it make work for people who use it?   As one[…]

Hanna Provost– CR #5

 What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.  Throughout the Senior Project process, I think[…]

CR #5

My essential question was how can music reflect an emotion and what I’ve discovered is that each piece of music may be centered around one specific emotion but it reflects[…]

CR#5 Jonathan Z

Over the Course of Senior Project I’ve learned that for me as a student I need structure, and that I work really well with it. So much so that I’ve[…]

Week 4

On week four of my senior project, I finished getting the body to shape with files and rasps working on getting out small imperfections and bumps. I then made the[…]

CR5: Metacognition

Jacob McKinnon May 11, 2020 CR5: Metacognition   EQ: What steps can I take to perfect my craft, so that I can become a better player and pursue my passion[…]