-> Critical Reflection #2 Assignment: Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? I believe I am answering my essential[…]
Category: Karyn
Brianna Adu-Kyei – Critical Reflection #3
Brianna Adu-Kyei Wednesday, April 29, 2020 Senior Project Critical Reflection Senior Project Experience Critical Reflection #3:[…]
Ian Reyes Critical Reflection 3
Essential Question: How can reverse engineering help me better understand the way certain electronics work? In the projects that I’ve been doing, I’ve noticed that there is a lot I[…]
CR #3 – Bay
I definitely feel like I’m exploring answers to my essential question, just not in the way I had originally planned. All of the different things I’ve done have sort of[…]
Sophie R – CR#3
My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? So far in these past couple of weeks, I’ve been[…]
Shelter in Place Pod: Week 4 Update 1
April 28th, 2020 I started reading the Best American Sportswriting last week. The book allows me to understand how to illustrate a full story. Especially in sports it’s important[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 5: Style of Fictional Journal Writing
As I’ve been writing journal entries as my character, I haven’t given too much thought to the actual language I use, especially given the fact that in some way my[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #3
*this CR is in response to the prompt about a reference text* I’m currently reading a novel that features letters, so I think I’m starting to make some conclusions[…]
Alex – Critical Reflection #2
In the summer between sophomore and junior year, I took a psychology class at NYU. I was told that it would be a class of other high school students so[…]
Alex – CR #3
It still baffles me that I’m three weeks into this project, it feels both longer and shorter at the same time. On the one hand, I wish that I had[…]
The Linguistics And Basics of Twi – Brianna
This was fun and slightly vexing to do, as most good projects are. For this week, I returned to an old presentation and added a new twist. Watch it here[…]
4/26 – Bay
This isn’t exactly related to my project, but today I had a conversation with my dad and brothers about the criminal justice system that was really interesting. My dad was[…]
Sophie R – Update#6
This week I watched a really great documentary that discussed the dietary and health patterns in communities of color. It covered topics such as the importance of food in culture,[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 3 Post 2
I have been doing some more CAD design this week and was finally able to make the virtual hairdryer handles look a bit more like the real ones. I saw[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 3 Post 1
I decided to take apart an iPhone 4 that my mom used to own, and since it was already broken, I figured it wouldn’t be a problem to open it[…]
Outfit Two – Picnic for Porcelina
This is the Instagram post for my second Pocelina look – Picnic or Porcelina. This look[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week 3 Update 2
After my work this week I’m proud of the “research” I did. I was just glad to read more about my topic, rather than doing exercises. However, I want to[…]
Brianna Adu-Kyei —Critical Reflection #2
Brianna Adu-Kyei Wednesday, April 22, 2020 Senior Project Critical Reflection Senior Project Experience Critical Reflection #2:[…]
CR #2 – Bay
This week I read John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1689) for my online class. Locke’s entire theory of the State of Nature and the State of War were very[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week 3 Update 1
Heading into Week 3, I want to work on intaking news, media, and journalism. Reading, listening and writing will be my sole focus this week. I plan on just two[…]
Ian Reyes Critical Reflection 2
Essential Question: How can reverse engineering help me better understand the way certain electronics work? As I have come to discover these past couple weeks, 3D design is an integral[…]
Critical Reflection #2
Cameron Krakowiak 9/22/20 A CR is a ONE PAGE consideration of ONE IDEA, MOMENT, IMAGE, or EXPERIENCE. The basis of your reflection should be analytical. Ask yourself: What do I[…]
Podcasting: Week 2, Post 1 – Brianna
This week I wanted to give myself an easier go of things. I spent a lot of time struggling with Audacity and the process of podcasting, so I decided to[…]
Sophie R – CR#2
I chose to explore the topic of food sustainability not only because I’m interested in the topic, but because I also wanted to learn ways I could change my everyday[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #2
Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told? Last week I began reading my first explorative text: The Year of Secret Assignments[…]
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 4: First Letter
A main component of Hanna and I’s project is a back-and-forth between our two characters through letters. This ended up being a bit more difficult in execution because, in order[…]
4/19 – Bay
This week in my online class I learned about the theory of libertarianism, and specifically the libertarian doctrine of Robert Nozick in the 1970’s. I found that the aspects that[…]
Sophie R – Update #4
Another topic that stood out to me this week was the influence of privatization in the food industry and how it affects food sustainability. In most of the major industries,[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week 2 Update 2
After Week 2, I can look back and say that my project has become super productive, I’m doing more work before my podcasts and building up a system to better[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 2 Post 2
I’ve been spending a good amount of time recently focusing more of on the computer-aided design (CAD) aspect of reverse engineering. Since I managed to take apart the hairdryer, I[…]
Nellie- Week 2, Post 1: Theatre Studies in Quarantine
This week I decided to focus on the art portion of my senior projects. I spent some hours carefully reading books on historical fashions throughout different eras. I also decided[…]
Sophie R – Update #3
Is it sustainable to eat meat? Does animal protein have a place in our future diets? (findings on the impacts of the way meat is produced/consumed – broken down into[…]
Ian Reyes Reverse Engineering Week 2 Post 1
I started this week by attempting to open up a faulty hairdryer in my home. After trying the first few days to get it open, I was only able to[…]
Alex – Critical Reflection #1
To be honest, I know very little about my subject in the grand scheme of things. Sure, I’ve taken psychology classes before, so I could say that I am knowledgeable,[…]
4/16 – Bay
This week I read John Stuart Mill’s “Utilitarianism” for my online class. “Utilitarianism” is a manifesto that attempts to address the criticisms of Jeremy Bentham’s Greatest Happiness Principle. In the[…]
Shelter In Place Pod: Week2Update1
Second Week Update One: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1srLdZDjEoMQf24b8aahUUFl6-2VxRyy1
Anna Mueller – Blog Post 3: Cohort Workshop
My Writing Cohort group had our first set of workshops this morning! We read the work last night and then spent some time writing notes for the workshop discussion. Ruthie[…]
Nellie: CR1
How can we engage in Theatre while social distancing? For my project, I wanted to figure out a way to use today’s technology and resources to remain connected to the[…]
Brianna Adu-Kyei – CR #1
Brianna Adu-Kyei Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Senior Project Critical Reflection Senior Project Experience Critical Reflection #1:[…]
Ian Reyes Critical Reflection 1
Essential Question: How can reverse engineering help me better understand the way certain electronics work? I already know that reverse engineering is a form of engineering that allows you to[…]
Cameron’s: CR #1 Shelter in Place Pod
Cameron Krakowiak Senior Project: CR #1 4/14/20 My essential question: “How do news journalists and sports journalists shape the stories they tell to a large audience? How do they[…]
Anna Mueller – CR #1
Hanna and I have made significant progress in the development of our characters and their journals. We will begin working on the communicative portion of the project once we have[…]
Sophie R – CR#1
My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? I wanted to explore this question because I’m really interested[…]