CR #3 – Bay

I definitely feel like I’m exploring answers to my essential question, just not in the way I had originally planned. All of the different things I’ve done have sort of[…]

Sophie R – CR#3

My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? So far in these past couple of weeks, I’ve been[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #3

*this CR is in response to the prompt about a reference text*   I’m currently reading a novel that features letters, so I think I’m starting to make some conclusions[…]

Alex – CR #3

It still baffles me that I’m three weeks into this project, it feels both longer and shorter at the same time. On the one hand, I wish that I had[…]

4/26 – Bay

This isn’t exactly related to my project, but today I had a conversation with my dad and brothers about the criminal justice system that was really interesting. My dad was[…]

Sophie R – Update#6

This week I watched a really great documentary that discussed the dietary and health patterns in communities of color. It covered topics such as the importance of food in culture,[…]

CR #2 – Bay

This week I read John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1689) for my online class. Locke’s entire theory of the State of Nature and the State of War were very[…]

Critical Reflection #2

Cameron Krakowiak 9/22/20 A CR is a ONE PAGE consideration of ONE IDEA, MOMENT, IMAGE, or EXPERIENCE. The basis of your reflection should be analytical. Ask yourself: What do I[…]

Sophie R – CR#2

I chose to explore the topic of food sustainability not only because I’m interested in the topic, but because I also wanted to learn ways I could change my everyday[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #2

Essential Question: How are stories changed based on the perspectives from which they are told?    Last week I began reading my first explorative text: The Year of Secret Assignments[…]

4/19 – Bay

This week in my online class I learned about the theory of libertarianism, and specifically the libertarian doctrine of Robert Nozick in the 1970’s. I found that the aspects that[…]

Sophie R – Update #4

Another topic that stood out to me this week was the influence of privatization in the food industry and how it affects food sustainability. In most of the major industries,[…]

Sophie R – Update #3

Is it sustainable to eat meat? Does animal protein have a place in our future diets? (findings on the impacts of the way meat is produced/consumed – broken down into[…]

4/16 – Bay

This week I read John Stuart Mill’s “Utilitarianism” for my online class. “Utilitarianism” is a manifesto that attempts to address the criticisms of Jeremy Bentham’s Greatest Happiness Principle. In the[…]

Nellie: CR1

How can we engage in Theatre while social distancing? For my project, I wanted to figure out a way to use today’s technology and resources to remain connected to the[…]

Brianna Adu-Kyei – CR #1

Brianna Adu-Kyei                                Wednesday, April 15, 2020 Senior Project Critical Reflection                        Senior Project Experience Critical Reflection #1:[…]

Anna Mueller – CR #1

Hanna and I have made significant progress in the development of our characters and their journals. We will begin working on the communicative portion of the project once we have[…]

Sophie R – CR#1

My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? I wanted to explore this question because I’m really interested[…]