CR #1 – Nate

What Do I Know? Not much. But, as far as my essential question is concerned (and my essential question is: how can we talk about, and understand, film?) I know[…]

#2 – Nate (April 9th)

It’s April 9th, and we’re recording our third podcast (the last of the Animation podcasts) at some point tomorrow. We’ve watched a movie every day of the week, and I[…]

#1 – Nate (April 6th)

Hi there senior blog, it’s me Nate, and this is my first Senior Project blog post! Hooray. I don’t know if there’s an exact formula or outline we have to follow,[…]

Senior Project Proposal

FINAL PROPOSAL Name:  Arlo Metzger   Project Name: Blacksmithing   Essential Question This should be the current, clearest version of your essential question. How can we explore and express values[…]