Jonathan Hodge- Senior Project CR #3
“About Your Essential Question…”
I don’t think there is a way for me to derail from my essential question at this point in time. To be completely honest, I’ve started to consider my “question”as more of a concept that I am exploring. I mean, yes I could make it into a question—which I have done! Frankly, I just think it ends up being that everyone would be mad if I’m not treating this as an exploration of a question. However, I think I am at apoint of, “listen, we know that this is happening, we know it exists, let’s just talk about it!”. Ever since I started to think of my idea as a concept, I’ve really been able to envision my final product more and more. Before, everything I imagined ended up being too dependent on numbers, statistics, data. My new approach does include this, yes, but it also much more about highlighting these stories and connecting them to the big picture. Think of it as “fashion journalism”, similar to that of “The Business of Fashion Magazine”.