I finished that small design project. I solved for what I could, and figured out the basics for what I couldn’t. Turns out, the majority of the work in terms of the math was in that last step, but it was gratifying to finish.I drew out a final (still very rough) diagram of what it should look like. It’s simple, but honestly I’m proud of where I ended up. I’ve never really been able to do that, have something real come from an idea, and this was a great start. When that was done I moved on to the next chapter, which focuses on mechanics. I know some of the basics, but it’s slowly starting to shift into applied science i don’t know. I’m assuming this chapter and its notes will take me a bit longer because of this, but i’m excited for the new design project.
Research has also been coming along. I’ve shifted from Stormwater Runoff to scouring and its countermeasures, as well as a basic understanding of the working of permeable concrete. I have to say, after a solid hour spent on permeable concrete, I am moderately confident that I could, after a few trials. make a block of it myself. Had it not been for covid-19 and not being able to get the materials, I probably would have tried. I might try once this is over.
I’m a little behind where I want to be, but I’m okay with where I am.