Sophie R – CR#5

How can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life?

I don’t think I’ve ever had a learning experience that has been so self-driven as my senior project has been. At the beginning of the project, It was really easy for me to feel motivated and excited by the material. I had just started my first online program and the information felt relatively new and fresh. I was super excited and inspired by what I was learning. Because of this, it was easier for me to sit down for longer periods of time and work. However, as the weeks went on, I’ve found it more and more difficult to have this kind of approach. To keep things interesting I found it helpful to do a little bit of everything each day. I will work on some of my online classes, watch a documentary, listen to a podcast, and I’ve even started to incorporate recipe testing into the mix. Attempting to change things up in my work routine is the only way I’ve been able to stay motivated to do the work, especially since I’m stuck at home every day. I’ve also been trying to keep to a general schedule. I’ve found it a lot easier to start my work in the morning and crank out my three-ish hours, trying to take as few breaks as possible to stay focused, so I can have the rest of the day free. This morning schedule has helped me stay more motivated to do my work and makes everything seem less intimidating. I think keeping myself motivated has been the biggest challenge while doing this project. Surprisingly the actual changing of my habits has been super easy. This is great because my essential question asks about my own daily habits and I feel like what I’ve learned has significantly impacted my view on the food system and my own role within it. However, the learning piece is also a big part of the personal process. As quarantine continues, I find it a lot easier to spend my time on my feet cooking and doing other activities rather than sitting for hours on my computer. However, I think that practicing how to motivate myself for my own personal gain is a skill that will serve me well later in life. This struggle has seemed to be just as important to my project as the actual content is.

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