My essential question is, how can learning about food sustainability inform the sustainable practices I use in my own life? So far in these past couple of weeks, I’ve been able to go deeper into learning about the topics I’m familiar with as well as new topics about food sustainability. I’ve also been able to make more connections between what I’m learning and how I can affect the food system. I feel confident that I’m answering my essential question because I’ve already been examining my own food habits and making changes to my everyday routines. This includes changes to my diet and food practices (like finding ways to eliminate food waste). I think this project has given me a much greater sense of responsibility as a consumer of food then I had before. The research aspect of this project has been going as I expected but I don’t think I expected I would be inspired enough to make major changes to my eating habits. I’ve really enjoyed listening to personal stories from farmers and people who value food sustainability as a part of their daily lives. Before I had to modify my project, I really wanted to have hands-on experiences working on farms and being a part of organizations that focused on sustainability. However, listening to personal stories has been a good “substitution” for this.
I’ve finished two online programs already which took up a little over half of my senior project hours. My next class doesn’t start till next week so I’ve been having a little trouble staying motivated and excited. I’ve been watching a lot of interesting documentaries and reading interesting material but I feel like I need to find something different to do to make things more exciting and less repetitive. I was going to start composting but it’s a little difficult to make certain changes during this time. I want to learn more doable ways I can be sustainable. I’ve been thinking of adding a more personal aspect to the project which might include logging what I eat, putting together (sustainable) recipes, or tallying up the prices of what I eat. I also want to do more research on organizations focused on food sustainability and security in NYC