Theres two facets that address each part of my essential question separately. The reason being that going through the process of designing a whole building sustainably is not where my skill level is. So, I’m learning the design part on the level that I should, which is the basics, while the information I research on sustainability reflects the better level of understanding I have on the topic. I planned this very specifically, and so far it’s been following that plan. Something unexpected was seeing what I know and don’t know. It feels like a have a disconnected patchwork of information for both sections. For some things it feels like i already know them and then I’ll turn the page on the paper or chapter and find something I have no knowledge of and probably should have put together. I didn’t really know what knowledge I had or didn’t have, but those sudden shifts are not something i planned for. I like the way it’s working out though.
A challenge has been getting motivated to do research. The problem is getting started. I’ve found that once I have a plan. and I’m doing it and reading the things I want to read and finding things that interest me, I do fine. However, getting to that point is a bit of a struggle. Often I have to sift through a bit of information before I find something note-worthy. That part gets a little dreary from time to time. What I’ve taken to doing is having an “up next” list at the bottom of my document, which I add to when needed. I meant for it to mimic the “up next” automatic play on youtube. I did it so I could jump start the process of looking through information. So for it’s gone pretty well, obviously there are still the times I have to add to the list, and I have to go through the process again, but it’s made things a bit easier.