This week textbook work wasn’t too exciting so I’ll opt out of talking about it for this blog post. Research, however, has been weirdly engulfing. I found good sources on new developments. I love reading about mitigation skills that we’ve had for decades and never used, and how to incorporate them, but it’s not the same as reading about something entirely new. There are so many things happening and I feel like I just am scratching the surface. I recently found a page that gave a list of environment conscious technology. They were all products of biomimicry, which is something I’ve always been fascinated by. For those who don’t know, biomimicry is the process of copying or using natural processes to solve human problems. For example, one of the things I came across was Biowave, a system that mimicked the structure of Bull Kelp, and turned the oceans movement into an energy source. Another that I found was a building that used the structure of a Termite nest to regulate air temperature inside the building much more efficiently. While mitigation is beyond important, this shift into adaptation and new developments has been great. I hope to do more with what I find. Adaptation, as it seems, is something I’m very interested in. Maybe someday I could be on the creating end of those technologies.