Well, good news today – I finally got a response from Jed McPherson, the independent comic writer. I’m yet to read through his entire response but his replies to my interview questions seem impressively concise, and for a presumably busy worker his responses have been both swift and friendly. Here’s to hoping this persists. I was “politely nudged” by James into experimenting with India ink (and by nudge I mean a specific James French kind of nudge), and I think now that the story has transitioned to the city of London in the 1940s the dreary grey backdrops should provide ample space for experimentation. I find that a difficulty I am facing artistically is the backgrounds – the scenes I am working on this week involve extensive dialogues (as well as a plethora of obligatory shoehorned in exposition dumps), so the main focus is on the actual characters talking. Therefore, it’s becoming harder and harder to include a complex and consistently structured backdrop without it becoming distracting. I think the general smoothness of washed out India ink (which shall be ordered from Amazon) should help me in this little debacle.