It’s halfway through the second week of Senior Project, and Kamara and I will be recording and posting the fifth episode of our podcast in a few hours. We’re in the middle of Horror week and we’ll be talking about The Descent and The Host (2007).
Everything’s been going really smoothly so far. We’re watching the movies, having good discussions, and keeping up with our original schedule. The only real issue that we’ve come across is with my audio. Both Kamara and I are using our iPhone microphones, but his sounds clearer than mine, so in the past 4 episodes my audio has sounded really muddy and bad. I tried to fix it in the 4th episode, using Adobe Audition, but I couldn’t figure out a mix of effects that worked without also hurting my ears, so I just did a quick pass and posted that audio. But, we’ve figured out a solution to the problem (I’ll be using a lavalier microphone) and it should sound much better.
I think we’re answering our essential question to the best of our abilities. It’s not really a question that can be answered, more one that can be experienced, and we’re trying our best to watch a wide array of films so we can experience all that world cinema (including America) has to offer.
Also, our podcast passed 100 downloads, so that’s cool.