On day three of my project, I worked on making the volume knobs out of the same wood I was using for the neck of the bass. I started with simple squares of wood I cut out to roughly the right size I then drilled a hole in the center and used a file to make them round. It was very difficult to make these perfect circles just using a hand file as well as making the hole concentric with the outside. I ended up cracking a few of them as I drilled the hole and had to restart. Later that night I also dried and stabilized the wood in my oven, this is supposed to keep it from warping.
On the fourth day, I worked on making the hole for the truss rod. The truss rod runs through a length of the neck and is used to adjust how straight the neck is by bending it. I used a router plane to make the channel for the truss rod to fit into, this was very very slow work using a very small blade to scrape off a small amount of wood, to make a long deep whole wasn’t the most fun or entertaining but by the end of the day I had a much better technique,
I spent the fifth day cutting out the rough shape of the neck. I first started with a coping saw with a skip tooth blade that I made which was very good at the small details but it was painfully slow. After I was around halfway through the neck I started using a Japanese pull saw instead and this greatly increased the speed at which I could cut out the neck.
On the 6th day, I started thinning down the neck with hand files and rasps to get it closer to its final dimensions this was very slow going work but it is coming along.
Timur, I’m struck by the stillness and quiet that surrounds the work. We talked the other day about your desire to only use handtools. I think that there is something profound about the absence of the sound that would be made by the power tools you could be using. The sound that remains is that which you and the material are producing. In a way, you are already making a kind of music.