Before starting my y-block I wanted to find my ground as a leader so I could be prepared and not let any students down. I figured there were most likely other kids who were equally missing Theatre and if I was going to lead a club I should try my hardest to create a good experience for the students. So I thought it would be a good idea to start off with a research week. I spent a few hours on the internet researching different online Theatre competitions, checking to see if ones I had participated in were still up and running, and doing research on how enjoyable the ones I had no experience with were. I also sent out a survey to the school to gage how many people would be interest. There were about 10, which is a pretty solid number of students for a club. Ideally, there would be around fifteen but I was expecting a lot less. I also reached to some people I knew who worked in the field (directors I met through internships/jobs) and asked them if it would be possible to conduct interviews in the following weeks, hopefully I will be able to glean some knowledge. Finally, I got to watch my mother perform in a zoom play for charity. I got to see how a performance functions. This helped me see how we could create theatre digitally, but I think I still need to see how a rehearsal would be conducted over zoom.
In addition to researching possible opportunities I spent about 90% of the week reading plays and one-acts. I created lists of different scenes that I thought students could do, and different plays that we could do read throughs of. I have read so many plays I think I’ll never read one again. In terms of the art portion of my project, I also wanted to find my ground before launching. I spent the week doing some minor sketches and regaining comfort before I start my online courses.
Let’s definitely make a list of plays you’ve read in our shared drive in preparation for the Y block