Welcome to your new digital portfolio!
Welcome to your brand new digital portfolio/blog at blogs.lrei.org.
You’ll use this space to document and reflect on your learning in and out of school throughout your middle and high school years. You’ll also use this space to curate work for your Family Conferences. In some instances, your teachers will ask you to submit, reflect and comment on work in this portfolio. It is our hope that you also seek to make this a personally relevant learning space in which you curate work that is important and meaningful to you. As you build this learning space, we also hope that you will use it as a way to connect with other learners in the LREI community and beyond.
To get started, simply log in (use the login info you received via email). Please make sure that you change your password before doing anything else. To change your password, click on the dashboard icon on the upper lefthand corner of the page and select “Home.”
Then click on “Change Password” in the “My Account” window.
Select a new password (good to use your lrei.org email password). Enter it twice and then click “Update Profile.”
Now that you’ve changed your password, you’ll want to change the title of the blog. To do this, go back to the Dashboard and click on “Home” as you did before and click on “MS Digital Portfolio Template.”
In the field for “Site Title,” add a new title. You can use your first name if you want (e.g., “Mark’s Digital Portfolio”), but don’t use your first and last name. You can also create a title that doesn’t have your name in it. Be as creative as you want, but keep in mind that the title should relate to the purpose of the portfolio.
After you’ve added a new title, click “Save” at the bottom of the page.
You can then start to explore the space and check out all the other options available to you.
For the most part, you’ll be adding items to your blog as posts. You’ll also assign each post to the relevant categories (e.g., fifth grade, core, etc.). This will allow you to organize and sort information so that you can control the look and feel of your blog. If you take a look at the menu bar under the blog title, you see the different groups of categories (e.g., class, grade, teacher, etc.).
For sixth graders, you will want to move the content that you added to your google site portfolio last year into this blog. You can copy the text from your portfolio into a post and select the appropriate categories. We’ll review how to do this, but feel free to see if you can move some of last year’s info into this space.
For assistance, visit our comprehensive support site or check out our Edublogs User Guide guide.
You can also subscribe to our brilliant free publication, The Edublogger, which is jammed with helpful tips, ideas and more.