Susan Glass: My Trip to Hungary

Kecskemet, Hungary, a small village 100 km from Budapest,  is the birthplace of Zoltan Kodaly, the composer, ethnomusicologist, philosopher and educator whose work has inspired much of my teaching for my entire career. I was there, at the International Kodaly...

Harriet Lieber: Finding Meaning in the Gap

Judith Gap Montana, population 126, has a school, a gas station, a cafe and a park. Right beyond the small cluster of streets with homes is a wind farm and beyond that, stretching out in every direction, are acres and acres of cattle. Nestled deep into this landscape...

Gabrielle Keller: Living and Learning in Lucca

My grandmother’s family came from Lucca, Italy, an historic town in Tuscany, 30 miles from Pisa and Viarreggio.  Lucca has pre-Roman origins and the old town is still surrounded by walls.  It is also the birthplace of Puccini. Although I had travelled in Italy...

Joanne Magee: Inspired through Reconnection

My traveling took me back to London to visit with two of my college friends. Twenty-two years after we graduated together, both are still making drama and theatre in London. My time with Neil McPherson and Vishni Veleda Billson gave me an opportunity to reconnect with...