Interview with Willow Whelan:

Q: What water bottle keeps your water the coldest?

A: Hydro Flask and Swell

Q: What is the most appealing water bottle design to you?

A: Personally hydro flask, though other might say swell.

Q: What is your favorite water bottle to carry around school?

A: Swell because less heavy that hydro flask

Q: What is your favorite water bottle for sports practices and games?

A: Hydro Flask because it holds more water.

Q: Anything else?

A: I do not like plastic water bottles or un reusable ones.

Interview with Grace Macgillivry:

Q: What water bottle keeps your water the coldest?

A: hydro flask

Q: What is the most appealing water bottle design to you?

A: hydroflask

Q: What is your favorite water bottle to carry around school?

A: hydro flask

Q: What is your favorite water bottle for sports practices and games?

A: hydro flask

Q: Anything else?

A: hydro flask are better than swells

Interview with Sofia Ulrich

Q: What water bottle keeps your water the coldest?

A: hydro flask

Q: What is the most appealing water bottle design to you?

A: swell

Q: What is your favorite water bottle to carry around school?

A: Swells with flat tops

Q: What is your favorite water bottle for sports practices and games?

A: hydro flask

Q: Anything else?

A: hates plastic water bottles and like’s water

Interview with Violet Wexler

Q: What water bottle keeps your water the coldest?

A: swell

Q: What is the most appealing water bottle design to you?

A: hydro flask

Q: What is your favorite water bottle to carry around school?

A: reusable starbucks cup

Q: What is your favorite water bottle for sports practices and games?

A: nalgene or swell

Q: Anything else?

A: i really like water bottles they keep my water cold

Overall the hydro flask and swell were probably the most popular! You should buy a re-useable water bottle to stay hydrated and keep our earth clean!