Mrs. peregrines home for peculiar children came out on September 20, 2016. The movie is based on a book by Ransom Riggs and directed by Tim Burton. The movie/book is about a kid named Jacob. Jacob has a grandfather named grandpa Abe. Grandpa Abe tells Jacob stories and shows Jacob pictures of peculiar children that he grow up with. But, as Jacob gets older he doesn’t believe in the children anymore.

That is, until one day Grandpa Abe says he is being haunted by monsters. Soon after Jacob walks in a sees that his grandfather has passed away. Later in the story, Jacob and his dad go to the island where Grandpa Abe grow up. On the island he finds the peculiar children. Watch  the movie or read the book to find out more details. New York times says that the movie was, “Scary, funny and eerie.” Rotten tomatoes gave the movie 65 percent.