Ahmed Mohamed, a Muslim kid was coming to school one morning. He had made an electric clock. His teacher made a false assumption accusing Mohamed of building a hoax bomb instead of a clock so she decided to call the police so they would arrest him. Some people may say that the clock was actually not his invention, that he had taken a commercial alarm clock. Whether the clock was real or not, a 14 year old got falsely accused. It doesn’t matter if the clock was his or not. Did the clock turn out to be bomb? The clock was never a bomb, therefore the fact that anyone accused this kid of having a bomb isn’t justified.

Somebody took a picture of Ahmed when the police officers came in to arrest him. We can clearly see that he has no idea why the police are arresting him but he also has a frightened look on his face. Nobody at age 14 should have to go through what Ahmed Mohamed went through.

After Ahmed got arrested, President Obama and Hillary Clinton both posted tweets about the event:


Ahmed also got a tweet from Mark Zuckerberg (known for inventing Facebook) saying that “Having the skill and ambition to build something cool should lead to applause, not arrest. The future belongs to people like Ahmed.” Ahmed should not have been arrested for showing some creativity, if anything he should be rewarded for it.