
We discussed the snack situation Hudson’s idea was that we have two big snack bins (one for dried snack the other for fruit) We discussed the items that should be […]

Now that the recycling has been solved from the maintenance’s responsibility, we have to take responsibility as well We have to continue separating recyclables and trash We will dismiss the Middle […]

We continued figuring out how we will host our glow in the dark dance We will be announcing what we do in our Reps Meetings at Middle School Meeting The […]

8th Grade DISC Dance permission slips must be distributed amongst all homerooms We discussed the balls that we bought for Middle School recess Many times, we lose our recess balls We […]

Recently we had a meeting with Josh about how we can fix our recycling and trash We discussed equipment we can buy for recess Ω Ω Ω Ω

We got your questions     What makes You think you are a good fit for little red? How were other school(s) that you worked at different from this school? […]

We are discussing ideas to have the school recycle more We are also discussing different factors in the school’s not recycling One of our potential solutions is by discussing with […]

We had a meeting with Ana discussing Activity Period and the Friday Independent Reading. Our possible solutions: Take time out of morning homeroom and shift all the periods over to […]

Today we discussed more ideas on how to resolve the Activity Period problem Some of the cons of having 20 minutes of reading at the end of every Friday are: […]