Today we discussed more ideas on how to resolve the Activity Period problem Some of the cons of having 20 minutes of reading at the end of every Friday are: […]

Today we discussed the Middle School Dance We also discussed the possibility of us having a digital Middle School Meeting Tour Guides this Wednesday are: Margaret, Sylvie, Ryann and Jack […]

11/25 Anna, Drew, Emily, Sophie 12/2 Margaret, Sylvie, Ryann, Jack 12/9 Alexa, River, Hudson, Jane   Laser Tag Find Object in Ball Pit

“Horse of a different color” -Frank L. Baum Spirit Week on the 19th to the 22nd of January (Monday is no school for MLK day) We are discussing if it […]

We discussed the duration of Activity Period and the amount of reading is needing during school time We also discussed the recycling issue There is also a group of students […]

  Kids feel like they are getting fat during Monday pasta lunch There’s always a vegetable We discussed the duration of the Friday Activity Period We also discussed how there […]

Fifth Grade: Drew, Anna, Landon, Noelle Sixth Grade: Margaret, Emily, Hudson Seventh Grade: Jack, Victor, Sylvie, Alexa Eighth Grade: Onaje, Nissim, Sophie K, Ryann, River, Jane We are planning to […]

We are discussing your opinions on the dress code. We are specifically discussing; Hats Shorts Fashion Responsibility Respond to our survey about the Dress Code Changes Big Time (Discovery Day) […]