Lower East Side Ecology Center, Interview

We went to the Lower East Side Ecology Center and met with Kaitlyn Parkins. We interviewed her on what she knew about water pollution and what she does. She works as the educational director and helps children learn more about recycling and composting and why they need to do it. We learned that a lot of people think that the east river and the Gowanus canal are gross and polluted but it’s that way because of them and their pollution. I also learned that there are lots of people who fish and so lots of fishing lines get in the river. Fishing line is plastic and plastic can kill fish If they consume it and that can hurt our ecosystem that eventually hurts us so we have to be more careful. She has been trying to get fishing line recycling bins out around the east river so that the fishing line isn’t hurting the fish in the river.She said that if you make things really easy for people like having big fishing line bins that are clean and easy to get to, people will use them. Most people aren’t trying to create problems for our planet by using so much plastic and not reusing plastic more than once, it’s just hard not to and it’s inconvenient for them.


My name is Ruby and I'm interested in Water pollution. I'm interested in water pollution because not a lot of people care about the giant problem we are facing and I want to stop that. We're not taking our actions into consideration and we should be trying harder to conserve our earth. There are lots of little things we can do to help our ecosystem and our environment and if that means saving hundreds of thousands of marine animals than I don't understand why we wouldn't of s=done these things earlier. 

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