Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wednesday, June 8

Due Thursday:

  1. TKAM essay final draft.  We will watch TKAM the movie tomorrow in Core All with the other class and we will finish it in core splits.

*Advisory: Poem and Song practice.  Memorize your lines!

**Speech makers will meet with Joanne during Performing Arts to practice reading your speech.

Due Friday:

  • Last day of classes!  Dress nicely as we will attend graduation at 12:30PM, return at 3:00PM.
  • Moving Up Party!  (6-10PM)

Monday:  Beach Day!

  • Bring beach gear and lunch (no nuts, seeds, glass) and sports equipment


Monday, June 5

For Tomorrow:

  • If you wrote a Moving Up Speech, it must be revised by tomorrow.
  • Prepare to have an amazing Exploratorium tomorrow night!

NOTE: NO IWP Tues OR Wed of this week!


Be sure you have emailed your teachers your class reflections in ALL subjects!  NO JOKE!

Tuesday, June 7: Exploratorium: 6 PM!

Friday, June 3

Due Monday, June 6: TKAM Essay —  Introduction, 3 full body paragraphs and start your conclusion if you feel solid about the rest of your paper.

Guidelines for your conclusion (we will discuss this in class again)

– Topic sentence(s) that summarizes your main point

– Expand your topic by discussing why your main point is important today AND/OR what your thesis is connected to in the larger world of ideas (such as current events, other books, personal connections, history, etc.)


Be sure you have emailed your teachers your class reflections in ALL subjects!  NO JOKE!

Tuesday, June 7: Exploratorium: 6 PM!

Wednesday, June 1

To Kill a Mockingbird Essay Assignment, notes, and review sheet: TKAMFinalEssay11

First draft due Monday, June 6; we will do the essay step by step together.


Due Thursday, June 2: Find your textual evidence (at least 3 quotations needed) and write your introduction and thesis.

Due Friday, June 3: After our workshop in class, revise your introduction, and complete 3 body paragraphs.

Due Monday, June 6: Completed first draft.


Be sure you have emailed your teachers your class reflections in ALL subjects!  NO JOKE!

Due Thursday: Photo for Moving Up Video!

Friday: Middle School Dance ! Turn in your permission slips asap!

Tuesday, June 7: Exploratorium: 6 PM!

Friday, May 27

Due Friday: TKAM chapters 20, 21, 22, 23 (28 pages) and enjoy your long weekend!

Due Tuesday:

  • TKAM: finish the book! (48 pages), YOU MUST BE DONE BY TUESDAY WITH THE BOOK–if you are behind, catch up now!
  • Your first draft of your Moving Up speech, if you choose to write one.MovingUpSpeechPrompts11

Thursday, May 26

Tomorrow is Field Day! Our color is GREEN. Remember that our little buddies rely on you to be dressed in green. BRING YOUR LUNCH AND A DRINK. Dress for the weather–sunblock, sneakers, etc.  School dismisses at 1:00.

Due Friday: TKAM chapters 20, 21, 22, 23 (28 pages) and enjoy your long weekend!

Due Tuesday:

  • TKAM: finish the book! (48 pages), YOU MUST BE DONE BY TUESDAY WITH THE BOOK–if you are behind, catch up now!
  • Your first draft of your Moving Up speech, if you choose to write one.MovingUpSpeechPrompts11

Wednesday, May 25

Due Thursday:

  1. TKAM chapters 17, 18 and 19.   Be prepared to discuss the chapters — you will read about the trial in these sections.

Due Tuesday 5/31:

SPEECH DRAFTS DUE (for the Moving Up Ceremony OR the moving Up Party)

Tuesday, May 24

Due Wednesday:

1. TKAM ch. 15 and 16 (22 pages) Be quiz ready! Catch up if you are behind NOW!

2. First draft of your Core Comment emailed to me!  Guidelines posted on Friday. These directions are very specific and must be followed. StudentComments11

NEW DUE DATE FOR THIS IS TUESDAY, MAY 31: Your first draft of your Moving Up speech, if you choose to write one.MovingUpSpeechPrompts11


Tomorrow: No IWP! 24 Challenge and Foreign Language Trip Presentations

Friday: Field Day! Our color is GREEN. BRING YOUR LUNCH AND A DRINK. School dismisses at 1:00.

Friday, May 20

This handout will help you write your “4th Quarter Comments” on Core.  Please download it, read it (it enumerates all of the things that we have done in Core all year) AND follow the prompts for you to write your comments.



1. Read TKAM ch. 9, 10, and 11 (pp. 74-112)

2. Finish 4th quarter comment and e-mail to Momii ( by Wed 5-25 (see instructions below)

4th Q Comments:

This handout will help you write your “4th Quarter Comments” on Core.  Please download it, read it (it enumerates all of the things that we have done in Core all year) AND follow the prompts for you to write your comments.
