Monthly Archives: October 2010

Wednesday, October 27


1. Continue reading the first section of your Civil War Independent book.  Your first letter is due on Friday. The letter writing assignment, format and grading rubric are all on the blog in previous posts, please refer to these as you write.  You will also have 30 minutes of class tomorrow, from 8:30-9:00 (and when you complete your Core Reflection) to finish reading and work on writing your letter.  Use this time wisely.

*IMPORTANT* Some pairs have changed due to new book selections. Here are the final, final book partner changes. Thank you for being flexible.  All other people have their original partner:



  • Writers’ Workshop weekly assignment: Pay attention to the conversations you overhear this week on the subway, in the coffee shop, at dinner, etc.  Pay attention to natural speech patterns.  Record a few short conversations that you overhear (preferably conversations not in school) and bring them in next Wednesday in preparation for our writer’s workshop on dialogue.

Monday, October 25

Due Tuesday:

  1. TBAS: read the second 1/2 of Chapter 4 (pgs. 96-116).  Identify two more examples of resistance from this section and add them to the chart that we started in class.
  2. Read your Civil War Book (the first 1/5 of reading should be completed by Thursday morning).  You will have some time in class on Thursday afternoon to work on your letter, which is due on Friday.

Due Friday:

  1. Civil War Book Letter #1

Click here for the Civil War Book pairs: REVCivil War Letter Pairs2010

Monday, October 18

Due Tuesday:

1) Read Chapter 3 in TBAS.  Find TWO passages/examples from TBAS that connect to Michelle Obama’s story (indirect or direct connections).  Write down your thinking on the sheet attached.  Chapter3TBAS hw

Here is the link to the Michelle Obama article on NyTimes website:

Reminder: I will be in the building but Bobby will teach Core All tomorrow from 915-10.


* Civil War Independent War Book is due on October 25th.

*Minimester begins on Wednesday, October 20th

Friday, October 15

Due Monday:

1) Read Lincoln chapter 1 and 2.  Be quiz ready.  Quiz will have short answer questions about the events in Lincoln’s early life.

2) Complete the TWO pre-reading handouts that were handed out over two days in Core.

Biography Questions


3) Revise your Action Art statement.  Have someone read this (an adult) before turning it in on Monday, please.

*Ongoing –

Reminder: Minimester begins on Wednesday, October 20 – Friday, October 22.  You will report to the high school on those days and will be dismissed from your minimester class.

Wednesday, October 13

Homework Due Thu. 10-14:

  1. Read chapter 2 in TBAS. Be ready for a quiz!!
  2. Due Fri. 10-15: 1. Final draft of Family Interview due. Attach rough draft and peer editor checklist worksheet with final draft.

* Ongoing Writing Workshop Assignment #2 due Wed. 10-27: Finish your ‘Thin Cities’ assignment OR do another one if you are so inspired. I was BLOWN AWAY by your writing today – BRAVO.

Tuesday, October 12

Due Wed. 10-13:

  • Writer’s workshop assignment.  Write for 20-30 minutes and tell the “story” of your picture from Harris Burdick.  Be prepared to share.

Due Thu. 10-14:

  • Read chapter 2 in TBAS.  Be ready for a quiz!! (i.e. What is the auction block? How did it operate? How did it affect the people enslaved? etc.)

Due Fri. 10-15:

  • Final draft of Family Interview due.  Attach rough draft and peer editor checklist worksheet with final draft.

Thursday, October 7

Reminder: You have Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 off. 

Have a great 4 days off!

For Tuesday, October 12: Your first complete draft of your Family/Friend Interview is due!  This assignment is posted earlier on this blog. Here is the assignment:  Family Interview Assignment10-11

Here is Momii’s model, if you would like to see the quotations modeled again:MollyFAMinterviewFinal

For Wednesday, October 13: Writing Workshop assignment #1- Write a short story inspired by the picture and caption that you received in class. This story does not need to complete — you can just set aside 20-30 minutes this long weekend to write.  Bring it in Wednesday and be prepared to share.

Wednesday, October 6

Homework: Due Thursday, October 7

1. Read TBAS, Prologue and Chapter 1 (pages 16-38, 20 pages of reading and be sure to look at illustrations as well)

2. Select three passages you find striking, interesting, important or confusing. Record the page number of each passage, and its opening and closing lines.

3. Using the responsive writing rubric to guide you, write a paragraph about each passage saying why you chose it and commenting upon it (3 paragraphs total).  Responsive Writing RubricREV


Reminder: You have Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 off. 

For Tuesday, October 12: Your first complete draft of your Family/Friend Interview is due!  This assignment is posted earlier on this blog.

For Wednesday, October 13: Writing Workshop assignment #1- Write for 20-30 minutes telling the (spooky) story of the picture that a you received.  Use the title and the short line that is associated with the picture to inspire you or start your writing!  bring this and be ready to share on Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 5

Due Tomorrow:

1. Bring in your writer’s notebook!

2. Be sure you have an electronic copy (email, flash drive or on a computer) of your “Theme B” poem AND your Artist Action Statement. No exceptions.

3. Set up your Family/Friend Interview. Select the person, set the time, and decide upon an event.  Come prepared to share all of this information by Thursday.

4. Begin reading for Thursday’s To Be a Slave (TBAS) assignment (see below).

Due ThursdayOctober 7:

1. Read TBAS, Prologue and Chapter 1 (pages 16-38, 20 pages of reading and be sure to look at illustrations as well) Select three passages you find striking, interesting, important or confusing. Record the page number of each passage, and its opening and closing lines. Use this sheet to work with. TBAS Prologue and Ch1

Using the responsive writing rubric to guide you, write a paragraph about each passage saying why you chose it and commenting upon it (3 paragraphs total).  Responsive Writing RubricREV


Reminder: You have Friday, October 8 and Monday, October 11 off. 

For Tuesday, October 12: Your first complete draft of your Family/Friend Interview is due!  This assignment is posted earlier on this blog.