Monthly Archives: September 2010

Wednesday, September 29

Due Tomorrow:

1. Your Civil Rights / Human Rights project is due tomorrow and we will have a gallery with Sarah’s class in our afternoon splits.

Remember, I will give you 45 minutes of time in Core All to put the final, finishing touches on your art OR to edit and print your action art statement.  I will have the computers in this room for that purpose.  Otherwise, that is the entire time you will get.

2. Due by Friday: Signed and dated Eighth Grade Core Expectations are due.  Your signature and your parent’s signature must be on this document.

Monday, September 27

Due Tuesday:

1. Pack lunch with drink and bring rain gear for field trip.

2. Spend 45 minutes to 1 hour (at least) on Action Art.

Ongoing: Action Art is due Thursday 9/30 with a preview on Wednesday 9/29. (The preview will be a chance to bring in your almost-completed project for a group “review”.  You may take it home that night for final touches.)

Friday, September 24

For Monday 9/27:

1. Spend one hour on Action Art Project (research your topic, educate yourself, and begin making it) Action Art is due Thursday 9/30 with a preview on Wednesday 9/2.  The preview will be a chance for you show you nearly-completed project for final feedback before the due date.

2. Revise and perfect “Theme B” poems using teacher feedback.

3. Book talks: Martine, Jerrett, Che, Julia, Carlo

Important: Tuesday 9/28 we will have a tour of the 9/11 Memorial Museum offices at ground zero. Bring sack lunch and drink for our field trip.

Thursday, September 23

Due on Friday:

1. Finish your curriculum letters and give the draft to you advisor by 8:20AM!

2. Spend 20-30 minutes creating a brainstorm / sketch for your Civil Rights-Human Rights Action Art project.  You may come in tomorrow with multiple ideas and we can help you to narrow them down. REVActionArt-1

3. Study for the quiz: Eyes on the Prize/Warriors/Simple Justice

Wednesday, September 22

Due Thursday:

1. Final Theme B poem.  Use checklist to confirm that everything is complete.

2. Book talks tomorrow are: Core All – Harmon, Esme, Ben  Splits – Carlo, Ally, Cara, Andrew.

Optional: bring in a pillow from home that we can keep in the classroom and use during independent reading.

Wednesday, September 21


Photo day is Wednesday (tomorrow).  We are first at 8:30!  Don’t be absent for our group shot, please! 🙂


1. With an adult, read the article from The New York Times, “The Closing of the American Book”. Look up vocabulary and define it: Atrophy, Metaphor, Peril, Happenstance, Repression, Absolutism, Denigration, Endeavor, Mandate.

Go on to discuss the article with the adult and have them sign that you did so. Here is the article:  The-Closing-of-the-American-Book

2. Read independently for 20 minutes.

3. Book Talks for Wednesday: Olivia, Kyle Simmon, E.D., Giselle


9:21 hwSee Photo:

Monday, September 20


Photo day is Wednesday, Sept 22

Today in class we did the following:

If you were absent or want to follow-up please follow the link to the handout below.



1. Civil Rights/Human Rights Brainstorm worksheet- Answer only questions 1-4 HumanRightsBrainstorm  HumanRightsBrainstorm

2. The following people should prepare to present their book talks tomorrow:

Wally (Core All), Shayna (Core All), Ben (Ben), Maxine (Split)

Friday, September 17

Due on Monday!

1. Final Draft of your book talk.  You will practice in front of someone in class on Monday (timed), but your MUST practice this weekend, too. Book talks start on Tuesday.

2.  Simple Justice: answer only PART I on the Simple Justice sheet. PostSimple JusticeRevised

3. Spend fifteen minutes (tops) researching a current Supreme Court case.  Who’s on the court now?  What is ONE case that is currently on the Supreme Court docket (calendar)?  You may jot down notes…we’ll share about this in class.  You can use the following sites to help:

Thursday, September 16

Good job with the movie today, we will see the exciting ending tomorrow!

Due Tomorrow:

  1. Your book talk draft!  Be prepared to practice this with someone in the split.
  2. Bring an Independent Book tomorrow for the reading period at 2:15.