Have a GREAT time in Costa Rica!
Have a GREAT time whatever you do on spring break!
Due: April 5, 2010
Have a GREAT time in Costa Rica!
Have a GREAT time whatever you do on spring break!
Due: April 5, 2010
Due Monday:
Complete your Social Justice Paper, utilizing the assignment page, the writing tips sheet (both posted on earlier dates on this blog) and including a Works Cited List. Here is the format for it, in case you need it again: Works Cited List
Be sure to include the draft I wrote comments on when you turn it in.
Due Wednesday:
Due Tomorrow and Beyond:
1. Continue working on the Investigative Journalism paper. Consider the comments that I made on your papers and revise. This paper is due on Monday.
2. Continue working on your PSA posters. They are looking great and are due on Wednesday.
Due Wednesday:
3 “observation” poem about NYC.
Wednesday, March 10 Due Tomorrow: * Continue writing and finalizing your Social Justice Paper! (Due Monday, with your interview woven in!) * Continue planning and drafting your PSA! We will work with Carin tomorrow in Core All. Please be prepared to work on this (in comp lab). Have your idea, any sketches, etc, ready. (Due Wednesday! ) * Also due Wednesday: Compose 3 Found Poems composed of words from our neighborhood walk! * NOTE: By the end of Spring Break, you should have a minimum of 4 Social Justice visits and 4 Blog Posts completed.
Due Tuesday, 3/9:
1. Social Justice Research: Use our lesson today to get another article on your topic–or many more articles! (Go to library.lrei.org, click Charlton, click Opposing View, and use the password you can get from your classmates if you forgot to access the data base to find a third article for your social justice topic).
2. Social Justice Paper Drafting: Using my feedback and guidelines on handout, revise paragraphs 1 & 2, and write paragraph 3. Investigative paper tips
3. Social Justice Model–Finish reading Chew On This as a model for your own writing
5. Social Justice Blog: Minimum 3 Social Justice Visits and 3 Blog Posts–spell checked and EDITED
Due Wednesday, 3/10: 3 snapshot poems, avoiding cliche’, and that SHOW don’t Tell! One should be about someone we all know (and you should be able to show it to that person!)
Due Monday, 3/15: Social Justice Investigative Journalism Paper
Due Wednesday, 3/17: Social Justice PSA
Go to http://blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly. You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked. It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.
Due Monday:
1. Social Justice Investigative Journalism Paper-– find ONE MORE (now you should have two total) article/blog that is informative and helpful on your topic with relevant statistics and print it out. BE SURE TO KNOW THE SOURCE. Here is the assignment: InvestigativePaperREV
2. Social Justice Investigative Journalism Paper– Write the first TWO paragraphs of your paper. Plan when you will get your interview completed.
3. Social Justice PSA–continue thinking about your idea. Here is the assignment: InvestigatePSAREVFInal
Due Tuesday, 3/9:Minimum 3 Social Justice Visits and Blog Posts. Your interview should be complete or at least set up by this time.
Due Wednesday, 3/10: 3 snapshot poems, avoiding cliche’, and that SHOW don’t Tell! One should be about someone we all know (and you should be able to show it to that person!)
Due Monday, 3/15: Social Justice PSA
Due Wednesday, 3/17: Social Justice Investigative Journalism Article
Go to http://blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly. You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked. It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.
Due Tomorrow:
1. Social Justice Investigative Journalism Paper-– find ONE article/blog that is informative and helpful on your topic with relevant statistics and print it out. BE SURE TO KNOW THE SOURCE.
2. Social Justice Public Service Announcement Poster–make a rough sketch of your poster ideas
Due Tuesday, 3/9:Minimum 3 Social Justice Visits and Blog Posts. Your interview should be complete or at least set up by this time.
Due Wednesday, 3/10: 3 snapshot poems, avoiding cliche’, and that SHOW instead of tell! One should be about someone we all know (and you should be able to show it to that person!)
Go to http://blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly. You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked. It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.
Due Wednesday: 3 poems, typed, based on Writing Workshop: 1. A Garbage Poem with specific details 2. A “Diamond in the Rough” poem with a striking contrast 3. an “unbeautiful” poem about something unpleasant using at least 8 similes and metaphors
Due Thursday: Complete the modern piece on Women and Labor by reading the excerpt from Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By In America, pages 69-106, by Barbara Ehrenreich. Complete the questions posted here: Nickel&Dimed
Go to http://blog.lrei.org/greencore/wp-admin
Username is greencore; password is the opposite (if you don’t know what I mean, ask a classmate).
BE SURE YOU READ carefully the Blog Post/Journal Guidelines by clicking the link on the left side of the blog so you are sure that your post will be recorded properly. You must read this in order to know what boxes must be clicked. It might be helpful to print out to follow or open in another screen to refer back to it.