***If you haven’t emailed Sarah your Celebrations poem she needs it ASAP, please!! Sbarlow@lrei.org
Due Monday:
- Lincoln & TBAS: Read ch. 7 in Lincoln (7 pages) and ch. 7 and the epilogue in TBAS (11 pages) to prepare for an in-class writing.
- Civil War book–finish it this weekend!
Due Tuesday, November 24:
- Your 5th and final Civil War Letter! 🙂 2 copies at 8:20! Remember, your last letter must discuss the book’s ending and in it, say goodbye to your partner.
- Socratic Seminar Preparation: Annotation and writing on “Who Freed the Slaves?” You need your Lincoln book to complete the first part of this. WhoFreedtheSlavessocsem.
THANKSGIVING BREAK HW: Eat, drink, and be merry! And, of course, give thanks. 🙂