Due Tuesday:
- First. Reflect on our Socratic Seminar on Lady L. (separate sheet of paper)
- What did you like/not like about the “Lady L” discussion and why?
- What did you learn about what makes a good discussion from the two socratic seminars we’ve had so far?
- Make at least one suggestion for what the class, as a whole, needs to work on to build better conversations.
- What ideas do you have on new “tasks” that the outside circle could track?
- Choose one of the readings from “Lady L”, the one that you found most striking or affecting. What did you want to say about it that didn’t get said? Use a quotation from it in your writing.
- B. Second. Look at the “Sustainability Blog” from last year.
- Review the blog posting requirements under the “Project Expectations” link in the left-hand side column.
- Find a good blog posting from last year’s eighth grade and cut it out, paste into a word document and print out to turn in tomorrow. (Make sure that your name is on this)
- **** Change in first Blog posting deadline:
- FIRST BLOG POST DUE ON TUESDAY, FEB 17. This will give you more time to make contact and a visit to an organization!!!!
- You must have had a conversation–via email or by phone–with a sustainability contact and set up your first visit by Tuesday! You should also be educating yourself about your issue and collecting information.